Dear PayPal member,
Due to recent activity, including possible unauthorised transactions placed on your account, we have temporarily suspended activity on your account in order to allow us to investigate this matter further. If you believe that this action may have been taken in error, or, if you feel that your account may have been tampered with, please respond to this message so that we can provide additional information and work with you to resolve this issue.

After responding to the message, we ask that you allow at least 72 hours for the case to be investigated. Emailing us before that time will result in delays. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you and we would like to thank you for your cooperation as we review this matter.

If you are the rightful holder of the account you must click the link below and then complete all steps from the following page as we try to update your account billing records.

However, failure to update your records will result in account supension. Please update your records on or before:

  •  Buy from an online auction
  •  Pay on a merchant website
  •  Send money to anyone with an email address
  • To Reply to this e-mail
    Simply log in to your PayPal account  and choose the "Help" link in the header of any page.This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.

    Notice About Servicing E-mails
    This e-mail was sent to you by PayPal Customer Service to provide important information about your account and/or online products and services for which you are registered.


    PayPal Resolution Services
    PayPal, an eBay Company

    Thank you for using PayPal

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