The 'double reporting' idea might have been why I just flat out shook my head when I saw the one presentation on 'ledger' in Emacs on YouTube a while ago as its a bit too complicated and unnecessary for a layman.
I just don't need that kind of over-thinking when it comes to my finances since I just need a spreadsheet that listed expenses, and to count totals. That's about it.
I will take a look at the other suggestions with specific Org Mode formulas, looked awesome, thanks.
> I'm wondering if your opinion about Ledger isn't influenced by the fact
> that it uses basic accounting principles, like the idea of double-entry
> accounting. For me, it's /very/ simple and intuitive, but I graduated
> in economics many years ago and had a (basic, but still) course on
> accounting. If that is your problem, I'd suggest spending some time on
> understanding that - even if you don't end up using Ledger but some
> other software, you might find learning about accounting useful. (Also,
> it's fascinating. No, really! It's an extremely clever abstract
> system with a real-life use-case.)
i agree that learning the principles of double-entry is worthwhile,
actually interesting, and of a very interesting history!