;;; css-mode.el --- Major mode to edit CSS files -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Stefan Monnier ;; Maintainer: Simen Heggestøyl ;; Keywords: hypermedia ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Yet another CSS mode. ;;; Todo: ;; - filling code with auto-fill-mode ;; - fix font-lock errors with multi-line selectors ;;; Code: (require 'cl-lib) (require 'color) (require 'eww) (require 'imenu) (require 'seq) (require 'sgml-mode) (require 'smie) (require 'thingatpt) (eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x)) (defgroup css nil "Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) editing mode." :group 'languages) (defconst css-pseudo-class-ids '("active" "checked" "default" "disabled" "empty" "enabled" "first" "first-child" "first-of-type" "focus" "focus-within" "hover" "in-range" "indeterminate" "invalid" "lang" "last-child" "last-of-type" "left" "link" "not" "nth-child" "nth-last-child" "nth-last-of-type" "nth-of-type" "only-child" "only-of-type" "optional" "out-of-range" "read-only" "read-write" "required" "right" "root" "scope" "target" "valid" "visited") "Identifiers for pseudo-classes.") (defconst css-pseudo-element-ids '("after" "before" "first-letter" "first-line") "Identifiers for pseudo-elements.") (defconst css-at-ids '("charset" "font-face" "import" "keyframes" "media" "namespace" "page" "supports") "Identifiers that appear in the form @foo.") (defconst scss-at-ids '("at-root" "content" "debug" "each" "else" "else if" "error" "extend" "for" "function" "if" "import" "include" "mixin" "return" "warn" "while") "Additional identifiers that appear in the form @foo in SCSS.") (defvar css--at-ids css-at-ids "List of at-rules for the current mode.") (make-variable-buffer-local 'css--at-ids) (defconst css-bang-ids '("important") "Identifiers that appear in the form !foo.") (defconst scss-bang-ids '("default" "global" "optional") "Additional identifiers that appear in the form !foo in SCSS.") (defvar css--bang-ids css-bang-ids "List of bang-rules for the current mode.") (make-variable-buffer-local 'css--bang-ids) (defconst css-descriptor-ids '("ascent" "baseline" "bbox" "cap-height" "centerline" "definition-src" "descent" "font-family" "font-size" "font-stretch" "font-style" "font-variant" "font-weight" "mathline" "panose-1" "slope" "src" "stemh" "stemv" "topline" "unicode-range" "units-per-em" "widths" "x-height") "Identifiers for font descriptors.") (defconst css-media-ids '("all" "aural" "bitmap" "continuous" "grid" "paged" "static" "tactile" "visual") "Identifiers for types of media.") (defconst css-property-alist ;; CSS 2.1 properties (http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/propidx.html). ;; ;; Properties duplicated by any of the CSS3 modules below have been ;; removed. '(("azimuth" angle "left-side" "far-left" "left" "center-left" "center" "center-right" "right" "far-right" "right-side" "behind" "leftwards" "rightwards") ("border-collapse" "collapse" "separate") ("border-spacing" length) ("bottom" length percentage "auto") ("caption-side" "top" "bottom") ("clear" "none" "left" "right" "both") ("content" "normal" "none" string uri counter "attr()" "open-quote" "close-quote" "no-open-quote" "no-close-quote") ("counter-increment" identifier integer "none") ("counter-reset" identifier integer "none") ("cue" cue-before cue-after) ("cue-after" uri "none") ("cue-before" uri "none") ("direction" "ltr" "rtl") ("display" "inline" "block" "list-item" "inline-block" "table" "inline-table" "table-row-group" "table-header-group" "table-footer-group" "table-row" "table-column-group" "table-column" "table-cell" "table-caption" "none" ;; CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 ;; (https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/#valdef-display-flex) "flex" "inline-flex" ;; CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1 ;; (https://www.w3.org/TR/css-grid-1/#grid-containers) "grid" "inline-grid" "subgrid") ("elevation" angle "below" "level" "above" "higher" "lower") ("empty-cells" "show" "hide") ("float" "left" "right" "none") ("height" length percentage "auto") ("left" length percentage "auto") ("line-height" "normal" number length percentage) ("list-style" list-style-type list-style-position list-style-image) ("list-style-image" uri "none") ("list-style-position" "inside" "outside") ("list-style-type" "disc" "circle" "square" "decimal" "decimal-leading-zero" "lower-roman" "upper-roman" "lower-greek" "lower-latin" "upper-latin" "armenian" "georgian" "lower-alpha" "upper-alpha" "none") ("margin" margin-width) ("margin-bottom" margin-width) ("margin-left" margin-width) ("margin-right" margin-width) ("margin-top" margin-width) ("max-height" length percentage "none") ("max-width" length percentage "none") ("min-height" length percentage) ("min-width" length percentage) ("padding" padding-width) ("padding-bottom" padding-width) ("padding-left" padding-width) ("padding-right" padding-width) ("padding-top" padding-width) ("page-break-after" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right") ("page-break-before" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right") ("page-break-inside" "avoid" "auto") ("pause" time percentage) ("pause-after" time percentage) ("pause-before" time percentage) ("pitch" frequency "x-low" "low" "medium" "high" "x-high") ("pitch-range" number) ("play-during" uri "mix" "repeat" "auto" "none") ("position" "static" "relative" "absolute" "fixed") ("quotes" string "none") ("richness" number) ("right" length percentage "auto") ("speak" "normal" "none" "spell-out") ("speak-header" "once" "always") ("speak-numeral" "digits" "continuous") ("speak-punctuation" "code" "none") ("speech-rate" number "x-slow" "slow" "medium" "fast" "x-fast" "faster" "slower") ("stress" number) ("table-layout" "auto" "fixed") ("top" length percentage "auto") ("unicode-bidi" "normal" "embed" "bidi-override") ("vertical-align" "baseline" "sub" "super" "top" "text-top" "middle" "bottom" "text-bottom" percentage length) ("visibility" "visible" "hidden" "collapse") ("voice-family" specific-voice generic-voice specific-voice generic-voice) ("volume" number percentage "silent" "x-soft" "soft" "medium" "loud" "x-loud") ("width" length percentage "auto") ("z-index" "auto" integer) ;; CSS Animations ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-animations/#property-index) ("animation" single-animation-name time single-timing-function single-animation-iteration-count single-animation-direction single-animation-fill-mode single-animation-play-state) ("animation-delay" time) ("animation-direction" single-animation-direction) ("animation-duration" time) ("animation-fill-mode" single-animation-fill-mode) ("animation-iteration-count" single-animation-iteration-count) ("animation-name" single-animation-name) ("animation-play-state" single-animation-play-state) ("animation-timing-function" single-timing-function) ;; CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#property-index) ("background" bg-layer final-bg-layer) ("background-attachment" attachment) ("background-clip" box) ("background-color" color) ("background-image" bg-image) ("background-origin" box) ("background-position" position) ("background-repeat" repeat-style) ("background-size" bg-size) ("border" line-width line-style color) ("border-bottom" line-width line-style color) ("border-bottom-color" color) ("border-bottom-left-radius" length percentage) ("border-bottom-right-radius" length percentage) ("border-bottom-style" line-style) ("border-bottom-width" line-width) ("border-color" color) ("border-image" border-image-source border-image-slice border-image-width border-image-outset border-image-repeat) ("border-image-outset" length number) ("border-image-repeat" "stretch" "repeat" "round" "space") ("border-image-slice" number percentage "fill") ("border-image-source" "none" image) ("border-image-width" length percentage number "auto") ("border-left" line-width line-style color) ("border-left-color" color) ("border-left-style" line-style) ("border-left-width" line-width) ("border-radius" length percentage) ("border-right" line-width line-style color) ("border-right-color" color) ("border-right-style" line-style) ("border-right-width" line-width) ("border-style" line-style) ("border-top" line-width line-style color) ("border-top-color" color) ("border-top-left-radius" length percentage) ("border-top-right-radius" length percentage) ("border-top-style" line-style) ("border-top-width" line-width) ("border-width" line-width) ("box-shadow" "none" shadow) ;; CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI) ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/#property-index) ("box-sizing" "content-box" "border-box") ("caret-color" "auto" color) ("cursor" uri x y "auto" "default" "none" "context-menu" "help" "pointer" "progress" "wait" "cell" "crosshair" "text" "vertical-text" "alias" "copy" "move" "no-drop" "not-allowed" "grab" "grabbing" "e-resize" "n-resize" "ne-resize" "nw-resize" "s-resize" "se-resize" "sw-resize" "w-resize" "ew-resize" "ns-resize" "nesw-resize" "nwse-resize" "col-resize" "row-resize" "all-scroll" "zoom-in" "zoom-out") ("nav-down" "auto" id "current" "root" target-name) ("nav-left" "auto" id "current" "root" target-name) ("nav-right" "auto" id "current" "root" target-name) ("nav-up" "auto" id "current" "root" target-name) ("outline" outline-color outline-style outline-width) ("outline-color" color "invert") ("outline-offset" length) ("outline-style" "auto" border-style) ("outline-width" border-width) ("resize" "none" "both" "horizontal" "vertical") ("text-overflow" "clip" "ellipsis" string) ;; CSS Color Module Level 3 ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#property) ("color" color) ("opacity" alphavalue) ;; CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1 ;; (https://www.w3.org/TR/css-grid-1/#property-index) ("grid" grid-template grid-template-rows "auto-flow" "dense" grid-auto-columns grid-auto-rows grid-template-columns) ("grid-area" grid-line) ("grid-auto-columns" track-size) ("grid-auto-flow" "row" "column" "dense") ("grid-auto-rows" track-size) ("grid-column" grid-line) ("grid-column-end" grid-line) ("grid-column-gap" length-percentage) ("grid-column-start" grid-line) ("grid-gap" grid-row-gap grid-column-gap) ("grid-row" grid-line) ("grid-row-end" grid-line) ("grid-row-gap" length-percentage) ("grid-row-start" grid-line) ("grid-template" "none" grid-template-rows grid-template-columns line-names string track-size line-names explicit-track-list) ("grid-template-areas" "none" string) ("grid-template-columns" "none" track-list auto-track-list) ("grid-template-rows" "none" track-list auto-track-list) ;; CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css-flexbox-1/#property-index) ("align-content" "flex-start" "flex-end" "center" "space-between" "space-around" "stretch") ("align-items" "flex-start" "flex-end" "center" "baseline" "stretch") ("align-self" "auto" "flex-start" "flex-end" "center" "baseline" "stretch") ("flex" "none" flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis) ("flex-basis" "auto" "content" width) ("flex-direction" "row" "row-reverse" "column" "column-reverse") ("flex-flow" flex-direction flex-wrap) ("flex-grow" number) ("flex-shrink" number) ("flex-wrap" "nowrap" "wrap" "wrap-reverse") ("justify-content" "flex-start" "flex-end" "center" "space-between" "space-around") ("order" integer) ;; CSS Fonts Module Level 3 ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/#property-index) ("font" font-style font-variant-css21 font-weight font-stretch font-size line-height font-family "caption" "icon" "menu" "message-box" "small-caption" "status-bar") ("font-family" family-name generic-family) ("font-feature-settings" "normal" feature-tag-value) ("font-kerning" "auto" "normal" "none") ("font-language-override" "normal" string) ("font-size" absolute-size relative-size length percentage) ("font-size-adjust" "none" number) ("font-stretch" "normal" "ultra-condensed" "extra-condensed" "condensed" "semi-condensed" "semi-expanded" "expanded" "extra-expanded" "ultra-expanded") ("font-style" "normal" "italic" "oblique") ("font-synthesis" "none" "weight" "style") ("font-variant" "normal" "none" common-lig-values discretionary-lig-values historical-lig-values contextual-alt-values "stylistic()" "historical-forms" "styleset()" "character-variant()" "swash()" "ornaments()" "annotation()" "small-caps" "all-small-caps" "petite-caps" "all-petite-caps" "unicase" "titling-caps" numeric-figure-values numeric-spacing-values numeric-fraction-values "ordinal" "slashed-zero" east-asian-variant-values east-asian-width-values "ruby") ("font-variant-alternates" "normal" "stylistic()" "historical-forms" "styleset()" "character-variant()" "swash()" "ornaments()" "annotation()") ("font-variant-caps" "normal" "small-caps" "all-small-caps" "petite-caps" "all-petite-caps" "unicase" "titling-caps") ("font-variant-east-asian" "normal" east-asian-variant-values east-asian-width-values "ruby") ("font-variant-ligatures" "normal" "none" common-lig-values discretionary-lig-values historical-lig-values contextual-alt-values) ("font-variant-numeric" "normal" numeric-figure-values numeric-spacing-values numeric-fraction-values "ordinal" "slashed-zero") ("font-variant-position" "normal" "sub" "super") ("font-weight" "normal" "bold" "bolder" "lighter" "100" "200" "300" "400" "500" "600" "700" "800" "900") ;; CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 ;; (https://www.w3.org/TR/css-break-3/#property-index) ("box-decoration-break" "slice" "clone") ("break-after" "auto" "avoid" "avoid-page" "page" "left" "right" "recto" "verso" "avoid-column" "column" "avoid-region" "region") ("break-before" "auto" "avoid" "avoid-page" "page" "left" "right" "recto" "verso" "avoid-column" "column" "avoid-region" "region") ("break-inside" "auto" "avoid" "avoid-page" "avoid-column" "avoid-region") ("orphans" integer) ("widows" integer) ;; CSS Masking Module Level 1 ;; (https://www.w3.org/TR/css-masking-1/#property-index) ("clip-path" clip-source basic-shape geometry-box "none") ("clip-rule" "nonzero" "evenodd") ("mask-image" mask-reference) ("mask-mode" masking-mode) ("mask-repeat" repeat-style) ("mask-position" position) ("mask-clip" geometry-box "no-clip") ("mask-origin" geometry-box) ("mask-size" bg-size) ("mask-composite" compositing-operator) ("mask" mask-layer) ("mask-border-source" "none" image) ("mask-border-mode" "luminance" "alpha") ("mask-border-slice" number percentage "fill") ("mask-border-width" length percentage number "auto") ("mask-border-outset" length number) ("mask-border-repeat" "stretch" "repeat" "round" "space") ("mask-border" mask-border-source mask-border-slice mask-border-width mask-border-outset mask-border-repeat mask-border-mode) ("mask-type" "luminance" "alpha") ("clip" "rect()" "auto") ;; CSS Multi-column Layout Module ;; (https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-multicol/#property-index) ;; "break-after", "break-before", and "break-inside" are left out ;; below, because they're already included in CSS Fragmentation ;; Module Level 3. ("column-count" integer "auto") ("column-fill" "auto" "balance") ("column-gap" length "normal") ("column-rule" column-rule-width column-rule-style column-rule-color "transparent") ("column-rule-color" color) ("column-rule-style" border-style) ("column-rule-width" border-width) ("column-span" "none" "all") ("column-width" length "auto") ("columns" column-width column-count) ;; CSS Overflow Module Level 3 ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css-overflow-3/#property-index) ("max-lines" "none" integer) ("overflow" "visible" "hidden" "scroll" "auto" "paged-x" "paged-y" "paged-x-controls" "paged-y-controls" "fragments") ("overflow-x" "visible" "hidden" "scroll" "auto" "paged-x" "paged-y" "paged-x-controls" "paged-y-controls" "fragments") ("overflow-y" "visible" "hidden" "scroll" "auto" "paged-x" "paged-y" "paged-x-controls" "paged-y-controls" "fragments") ;; CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3 ;; (http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-text-decor-3/#property-index) ("text-decoration" text-decoration-line text-decoration-style text-decoration-color) ("text-decoration-color" color) ("text-decoration-line" "none" "underline" "overline" "line-through" "blink") ("text-decoration-skip" "none" "objects" "spaces" "ink" "edges" "box-decoration") ("text-decoration-style" "solid" "double" "dotted" "dashed" "wavy") ("text-emphasis" text-emphasis-style text-emphasis-color) ("text-emphasis-color" color) ("text-emphasis-position" "over" "under" "right" "left") ("text-emphasis-style" "none" "filled" "open" "dot" "circle" "double-circle" "triangle" "sesame" string) ("text-shadow" "none" length color) ("text-underline-position" "auto" "under" "left" "right") ;; CSS Text Module Level 3 ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-text/#property-index) ("hanging-punctuation" "none" "first" "force-end" "allow-end" "last") ("hyphens" "none" "manual" "auto") ("letter-spacing" "normal" length) ("line-break" "auto" "loose" "normal" "strict") ("overflow-wrap" "normal" "break-word") ("tab-size" integer length) ("text-align" "start" "end" "left" "right" "center" "justify" "match-parent") ("text-align-last" "auto" "start" "end" "left" "right" "center" "justify") ("text-indent" length percentage) ("text-justify" "auto" "none" "inter-word" "distribute") ("text-transform" "none" "capitalize" "uppercase" "lowercase" "full-width") ("white-space" "normal" "pre" "nowrap" "pre-wrap" "pre-line") ("word-break" "normal" "keep-all" "break-all") ("word-spacing" "normal" length percentage) ("word-wrap" "normal" "break-word") ;; CSS Transforms Module Level 1 ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-2d-transforms/#property-index) ("backface-visibility" "visible" "hidden") ("perspective" "none" length) ("perspective-origin" "left" "center" "right" "top" "bottom" percentage length) ("transform" "none" transform-list) ("transform-origin" "left" "center" "right" "top" "bottom" percentage length) ("transform-style" "flat" "preserve-3d") ;; CSS Transitions ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#property-index) ("transition" single-transition) ("transition-delay" time) ("transition-duration" time) ("transition-property" "none" single-transition-property "all") ("transition-timing-function" single-transition-timing-function) ;; CSS Will Change Module Level 1 ;; (https://www.w3.org/TR/css-will-change-1/#property-index) ("will-change" "auto" animateable-feature) ;; Filter Effects Module Level 1 ;; (http://www.w3.org/TR/filter-effects/#property-index) ("color-interpolation-filters" "auto" "sRGB" "linearRGB") ("filter" "none" filter-function-list) ("flood-color" color) ("flood-opacity" number percentage) ("lighting-color" color) ;; Pointer Events ;; (https://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents/#the-touch-action-css-property) ("touch-action" "auto" "none" "pan-x" "pan-y" "manipulation")) "Identifiers for properties and their possible values. The CAR of each entry is the name of a property, while the CDR is a list of possible values for that property. String values in the CDRs represent literal values, while symbols represent one of the value classes found in `css-value-class-alist'. If a symbol is not found in `css-value-class-alist', it's interpreted as a reference back to one of the properties in this list. Some symbols, such as `number' or `identifier', don't produce any further value candidates, since that list would be infinite.") (defconst css-property-ids (mapcar #'car css-property-alist) "Identifiers for properties.") (defconst css--color-map '(("black" . "#000000") ("silver" . "#c0c0c0") ("gray" . "#808080") ("white" . "#ffffff") ("maroon" . "#800000") ("red" . "#ff0000") ("purple" . "#800080") ("fuchsia" . "#ff00ff") ("magenta" . "#ff00ff") ("green" . "#008000") ("lime" . "#00ff00") ("olive" . "#808000") ("yellow" . "#ffff00") ("navy" . "#000080") ("blue" . "#0000ff") ("teal" . "#008080") ("aqua" . "#00ffff") ("cyan" . "#00ffff") ("orange" . "#ffa500") ("aliceblue" . "#f0f8ff") ("antiquewhite" . "#faebd7") ("aquamarine" . "#7fffd4") ("azure" . "#f0ffff") ("beige" . "#f5f5dc") ("bisque" . "#ffe4c4") ("blanchedalmond" . "#ffebcd") ("blueviolet" . "#8a2be2") ("brown" . "#a52a2a") ("burlywood" . "#deb887") ("cadetblue" . "#5f9ea0") ("chartreuse" . "#7fff00") ("chocolate" . "#d2691e") ("coral" . "#ff7f50") ("cornflowerblue" . "#6495ed") ("cornsilk" . "#fff8dc") ("crimson" . "#dc143c") ("darkblue" . "#00008b") ("darkcyan" . "#008b8b") ("darkgoldenrod" . "#b8860b") ("darkgray" . "#a9a9a9") ("darkgreen" . "#006400") ("darkgrey" . "#a9a9a9") ("darkkhaki" . "#bdb76b") ("darkmagenta" . "#8b008b") ("darkolivegreen" . "#556b2f") ("darkorange" . "#ff8c00") ("darkorchid" . "#9932cc") ("darkred" . "#8b0000") ("darksalmon" . "#e9967a") ("darkseagreen" . "#8fbc8f") ("darkslateblue" . "#483d8b") ("darkslategray" . "#2f4f4f") ("darkslategrey" . "#2f4f4f") ("darkturquoise" . "#00ced1") ("darkviolet" . "#9400d3") ("deeppink" . "#ff1493") ("deepskyblue" . "#00bfff") ("dimgray" . "#696969") ("dimgrey" . "#696969") ("dodgerblue" . "#1e90ff") ("firebrick" . "#b22222") ("floralwhite" . "#fffaf0") ("forestgreen" . "#228b22") ("gainsboro" . "#dcdcdc") ("ghostwhite" . "#f8f8ff") ("gold" . "#ffd700") ("goldenrod" . "#daa520") ("greenyellow" . "#adff2f") ("grey" . "#808080") ("honeydew" . "#f0fff0") ("hotpink" . "#ff69b4") ("indianred" . "#cd5c5c") ("indigo" . "#4b0082") ("ivory" . "#fffff0") ("khaki" . "#f0e68c") ("lavender" . "#e6e6fa") ("lavenderblush" . "#fff0f5") ("lawngreen" . "#7cfc00") ("lemonchiffon" . "#fffacd") ("lightblue" . "#add8e6") ("lightcoral" . "#f08080") ("lightcyan" . "#e0ffff") ("lightgoldenrodyellow" . "#fafad2") ("lightgray" . "#d3d3d3") ("lightgreen" . "#90ee90") ("lightgrey" . "#d3d3d3") ("lightpink" . "#ffb6c1") ("lightsalmon" . "#ffa07a") ("lightseagreen" . "#20b2aa") ("lightskyblue" . "#87cefa") ("lightslategray" . "#778899") ("lightslategrey" . "#778899") ("lightsteelblue" . "#b0c4de") ("lightyellow" . "#ffffe0") ("limegreen" . "#32cd32") ("linen" . "#faf0e6") ("mediumaquamarine" . "#66cdaa") ("mediumblue" . "#0000cd") ("mediumorchid" . "#ba55d3") ("mediumpurple" . "#9370db") ("mediumseagreen" . "#3cb371") ("mediumslateblue" . "#7b68ee") ("mediumspringgreen" . "#00fa9a") ("mediumturquoise" . "#48d1cc") ("mediumvioletred" . "#c71585") ("midnightblue" . "#191970") ("mintcream" . "#f5fffa") ("mistyrose" . "#ffe4e1") ("moccasin" . "#ffe4b5") ("navajowhite" . "#ffdead") ("oldlace" . "#fdf5e6") ("olivedrab" . "#6b8e23") ("orangered" . "#ff4500") ("orchid" . "#da70d6") ("palegoldenrod" . "#eee8aa") ("palegreen" . "#98fb98") ("paleturquoise" . "#afeeee") ("palevioletred" . "#db7093") ("papayawhip" . "#ffefd5") ("peachpuff" . "#ffdab9") ("peru" . "#cd853f") ("pink" . "#ffc0cb") ("plum" . "#dda0dd") ("powderblue" . "#b0e0e6") ("rosybrown" . "#bc8f8f") ("royalblue" . "#4169e1") ("saddlebrown" . "#8b4513") ("salmon" . "#fa8072") ("sandybrown" . "#f4a460") ("seagreen" . "#2e8b57") ("seashell" . "#fff5ee") ("sienna" . "#a0522d") ("skyblue" . "#87ceeb") ("slateblue" . "#6a5acd") ("slategray" . "#708090") ("slategrey" . "#708090") ("snow" . "#fffafa") ("springgreen" . "#00ff7f") ("steelblue" . "#4682b4") ("tan" . "#d2b48c") ("thistle" . "#d8bfd8") ("tomato" . "#ff6347") ("turquoise" . "#40e0d0") ("violet" . "#ee82ee") ("wheat" . "#f5deb3") ("whitesmoke" . "#f5f5f5") ("yellowgreen" . "#9acd32") ("rebeccapurple" . "#663399")) "Map CSS named colors to their hex RGB value.") (defconst css-value-class-alist `((absolute-size "xx-small" "x-small" "small" "medium" "large" "x-large" "xx-large") (alphavalue number) (angle "calc()") (animateable-feature "scroll-position" "contents" custom-ident) (attachment "scroll" "fixed" "local") (auto-repeat "repeat()") (auto-track-list line-names fixed-size fixed-repeat auto-repeat) (basic-shape "inset()" "circle()" "ellipse()" "polygon()") (bg-image image "none") (bg-layer bg-image position repeat-style attachment box) (bg-size length percentage "auto" "cover" "contain") (box "border-box" "padding-box" "content-box") (clip-source uri) (color "rgb()" "rgba()" "hsl()" "hsla()" named-color "transparent" "currentColor") (common-lig-values "common-ligatures" "no-common-ligatures") (compositing-operator "add" "subtract" "intersect" "exclude") (contextual-alt-values "contextual" "no-contextual") (counter "counter()" "counters()") (discretionary-lig-values "discretionary-ligatures" "no-discretionary-ligatures") (east-asian-variant-values "jis78" "jis83" "jis90" "jis04" "simplified" "traditional") (east-asian-width-values "full-width" "proportional-width") (explicit-track-list line-names track-size) (family-name "Courier" "Helvetica" "Times") (feature-tag-value string integer "on" "off") (filter-function "blur()" "brightness()" "contrast()" "drop-shadow()" "grayscale()" "hue-rotate()" "invert()" "opacity()" "sepia()" "saturate()") (filter-function-list filter-function uri) (final-bg-layer bg-image position repeat-style attachment box color) (fixed-breadth length-percentage) (fixed-repeat "repeat()") (fixed-size fixed-breadth "minmax()") (font-variant-css21 "normal" "small-caps") (frequency "calc()") (generic-family "serif" "sans-serif" "cursive" "fantasy" "monospace") (generic-voice "male" "female" "child") (geometry-box shape-box "fill-box" "stroke-box" "view-box") (gradient linear-gradient radial-gradient repeating-linear-gradient repeating-radial-gradient) (grid-line "auto" custom-ident integer "span") (historical-lig-values "historical-ligatures" "no-historical-ligatures") (image uri image-list element-reference gradient) (image-list "image()") (inflexible-breadth length-percentage "min-content" "max-content" "auto") (integer "calc()") (length "calc()" number) (line-height "normal" number length percentage) (line-names custom-ident) (line-style "none" "hidden" "dotted" "dashed" "solid" "double" "groove" "ridge" "inset" "outset") (line-width length "thin" "medium" "thick") (linear-gradient "linear-gradient()") (margin-width "auto" length percentage) (mask-layer mask-reference masking-mode position bg-size repeat-style geometry-box "no-clip" compositing-operator) (mask-reference "none" image mask-source) (mask-source uri) (masking-mode "alpha" "luminance" "auto") (named-color . ,(mapcar #'car css--color-map)) (number "calc()") (numeric-figure-values "lining-nums" "oldstyle-nums") (numeric-fraction-values "diagonal-fractions" "stacked-fractions") (numeric-spacing-values "proportional-nums" "tabular-nums") (padding-width length percentage) (position "left" "center" "right" "top" "bottom" percentage length) (radial-gradient "radial-gradient()") (relative-size "larger" "smaller") (repeat-style "repeat-x" "repeat-y" "repeat" "space" "round" "no-repeat") (repeating-linear-gradient "repeating-linear-gradient()") (repeating-radial-gradient "repeating-radial-gradient()") (shadow "inset" length color) (shape-box box "margin-box") (single-animation-direction "normal" "reverse" "alternate" "alternate-reverse") (single-animation-fill-mode "none" "forwards" "backwards" "both") (single-animation-iteration-count "infinite" number) (single-animation-name "none" identifier) (single-animation-play-state "running" "paused") (single-timing-function single-transition-timing-function) (single-transition "none" single-transition-property time single-transition-timing-function) (single-transition-property "all" identifier) (single-transition-timing-function "ease" "linear" "ease-in" "ease-out" "ease-in-out" "step-start" "step-end" "steps()" "cubic-bezier()") (specific-voice identifier) (target-name string) (time "calc()") (track-breadth length-percentage flex "min-content" "max-content" "auto") (track-list line-names track-size track-repeat) (track-repeat "repeat()") (track-size track-breadth "minmax()" "fit-content()") (transform-list "matrix()" "translate()" "translateX()" "translateY()" "scale()" "scaleX()" "scaleY()" "rotate()" "skew()" "skewX()" "skewY()" "matrix3d()" "translate3d()" "translateZ()" "scale3d()" "scaleZ()" "rotate3d()" "rotateX()" "rotateY()" "rotateZ()" "perspective()") (uri "url()") (width length percentage "auto") (x number) (y number)) "Property value classes and their values. The format is similar to that of `css-property-alist', except that the CARs aren't actual CSS properties, but rather a name for a class of values, and that symbols in the CDRs always refer to other entries in this list, not to properties. The following classes have been left out above because they cannot be completed sensibly: `custom-ident', `element-reference', `flex', `id', `identifier', `length-percentage', `percentage', and `string'.") (defcustom css-electric-keys '(?\} ?\;) ;; '() "Self inserting keys which should trigger re-indentation." :version "22.2" :type '(repeat character) :group 'css) (defvar css-mode-syntax-table (let ((st (make-syntax-table))) ;; C-style comments. (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 14" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23b" st) ;; Strings. (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" st) ;; Blocks. (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(}" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){" st) ;; Args in url(...) thingies and other "function calls". (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")(" st) ;; To match attributes in selectors. (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[" st) ;; Special chars that sometimes come at the beginning of words. ;; We'll treat them as symbol constituents. (modify-syntax-entry ?@ "_" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?# "_" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?. "_" st) ;; Distinction between words and symbols. (modify-syntax-entry ?- "_" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?! "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?$ "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?% "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?& "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?, "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?< "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?> "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?? "." st) st)) (defvar css-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [remap info-lookup-symbol] 'css-lookup-symbol) (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'css-cycle-color-format) map) "Keymap used in `css-mode'.") (eval-and-compile (defconst css--uri-re (concat "url\\((\\)[[:space:]]*\\(?:\\\\.\\|[^()[:space:]\n'\"]\\)+" "[[:space:]]*\\()\\)"))) (defconst css-syntax-propertize-function (syntax-propertize-rules (css--uri-re (1 "|") (2 "|")))) (defconst css-escapes-re "\\\\\\(?:[^\000-\037\177]\\|[0-9a-fA-F]+[ \n\t\r\f]?\\)") (defconst css-nmchar-re (concat "\\(?:[-[:alnum:]]\\|" css-escapes-re "\\)")) (defconst css-nmstart-re (concat "\\(?:[[:alpha:]]\\|" css-escapes-re "\\)")) (defconst css-ident-re ;; (concat css-nmstart-re css-nmchar-re "*") ;; Apparently, "at rules" names can start with a dash, e.g. @-moz-keyframes. (concat css-nmchar-re "+")) (defconst css-proprietary-nmstart-re ;; Vendor-specific properties. (concat "[-_]" (regexp-opt '("ms" "moz" "o" "khtml" "webkit")) "-")) (defconst css-name-re (concat css-nmchar-re "+")) (defconst scss--hash-re "#\\(?:{[$-_[:alnum:]]+}\\|[[:alnum:]]+\\)") (defface css-selector '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)) "Face to use for selectors." :group 'css) (defface css-property '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)) "Face to use for properties." :group 'css) (defface css-proprietary-property '((t :inherit (css-property italic))) "Face to use for vendor-specific properties.") (defun css--font-lock-keywords (&optional sassy) `((,(concat "!\\s-*" (regexp-opt css--bang-ids)) (0 font-lock-builtin-face)) ;; Atrules keywords. IDs not in css-at-ids are valid (ignored). ;; In fact the regexp should probably be ;; (,(concat "\\(@" css-ident-re "\\)\\([ \t\n][^;{]*\\)[;{]") ;; (1 font-lock-builtin-face)) ;; Since "An at-rule consists of everything up to and including the next ;; semicolon (;) or the next block, whichever comes first." (,(concat "@" css-ident-re) (0 font-lock-builtin-face)) ;; Selectors. ;; Allow plain ":root" as a selector. ("^[ \t]*\\(:root\\)\\(?:[\n \t]*\\)*{" (1 'css-selector keep)) ;; FIXME: attribute selectors don't work well because they may contain ;; strings which have already been highlighted as f-l-string-face and ;; thus prevent this highlighting from being applied (actually now that ;; I use `keep' this should work better). But really the part of the ;; selector between [...] should simply not be highlighted. (,(concat "^[ \t]*\\(" (if (not sassy) ;; We don't allow / as first char, so as not to ;; take a comment as the beginning of a selector. "[^@/:{}() \t\n][^:{}()]*" ;; Same as for non-sassy except we do want to allow { and } ;; chars in selectors in the case of #{$foo} ;; variable interpolation! (concat "\\(?:" scss--hash-re "\\|[^@/:{}() \t\n#]\\)" "[^:{}()#]*\\(?:" scss--hash-re "[^:{}()#]*\\)*")) ;; Even though pseudo-elements should be prefixed by ::, a ;; single colon is accepted for backward compatibility. "\\(?:\\(:" (regexp-opt (append css-pseudo-class-ids css-pseudo-element-ids) t) "\\|\\::" (regexp-opt css-pseudo-element-ids t) "\\)" "\\(?:([^)]+)\\)?" (if (not sassy) "[^:{}()\n]*" (concat "[^:{}()\n#]*\\(?:" scss--hash-re "[^:{}()\n#]*\\)*")) "\\)*" "\\)\\(?:\n[ \t]*\\)*{") (1 'css-selector keep)) ;; In the above rule, we allow the open-brace to be on some subsequent ;; line. This will only work if we properly mark the intervening text ;; as being part of a multiline element (and even then, this only ;; ensures proper refontification, but not proper discovery). ("^[ \t]*{" (0 (save-excursion (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (skip-chars-backward " \n\t") (put-text-property (point) (match-end 0) 'font-lock-multiline t) ;; No face. nil))) ;; Variables. (,(concat (rx symbol-start) "--" css-ident-re) (0 font-lock-variable-name-face)) ;; Properties. Again, we don't limit ourselves to css-property-ids. (,(concat "\\(?:[{;]\\|^\\)[ \t]*\\(" "\\(?:\\(" css-proprietary-nmstart-re "\\)\\|" css-nmstart-re "\\)" css-nmchar-re "*" "\\)\\s-*:") (1 (if (match-end 2) 'css-proprietary-property 'css-property))) ;; Make sure the parens in a url(...) expression receive the ;; default face. This is done because the parens may sometimes ;; receive generic string delimiter syntax (see ;; `css-syntax-propertize-function'). (,css--uri-re (1 'default t) (2 'default t)))) (defvar css-font-lock-keywords (css--font-lock-keywords)) (defvar css-font-lock-defaults '(css-font-lock-keywords nil t)) (defconst css--number-regexp "\\(\\(?:[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+\\(?:[eE][0-9]+\\)?\\)\\|[0-9]+\\)" "A regular expression matching a CSS number.") (defconst css--percent-regexp "\\([0-9]+\\)%" "A regular expression matching a CSS percentage.") (defconst css--number-or-percent-regexp (concat "\\(?:" css--percent-regexp "\\)\\|\\(?:" css--number-regexp "\\)") "A regular expression matching a CSS number or a CSS percentage.") (defconst css--angle-regexp (concat css--number-regexp (regexp-opt '("deg" "grad" "rad" "turn") t) "?") "A regular expression matching a CSS angle.") (defun css--color-skip-blanks () "Skip blanks and comments." (while (forward-comment 1))) (cl-defun css--rgb-color (&optional include-alpha) "Parse a CSS rgb() or rgba() color. Point should be just after the open paren. Returns a hex RGB color, or nil if the color could not be recognized. This recognizes CSS-color-4 extensions. When INCLUDE-ALPHA is non-nil, the alpha component is included in the returned hex string." (let ((result '()) (iter 0)) (while (< iter 4) (css--color-skip-blanks) (unless (looking-at css--number-or-percent-regexp) (cl-return-from css--rgb-color nil)) (let* ((is-percent (match-beginning 1)) (str (match-string (if is-percent 1 2))) (number (string-to-number str))) (if is-percent (setq number (* 255 (/ number 100.0))) (when (and include-alpha (= iter 3)) (setq number (* number 255)))) (push (min (max 0 (round number)) 255) result) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (css--color-skip-blanks) (cl-incf iter) ;; Accept a superset of the CSS syntax since I'm feeling lazy. (when (and (= (skip-chars-forward ",/") 0) (= iter 3)) ;; The alpha is optional. (cl-incf iter)) (css--color-skip-blanks))) (when (looking-at ")") (forward-char) (apply #'format (if (and include-alpha (= (length result) 4)) "#%02x%02x%02x%02x" "#%02x%02x%02x") (nreverse result))))) (cl-defun css--hsl-color () "Parse a CSS hsl() or hsla() color. Point should be just after the open paren. Returns a hex RGB color, or nil if the color could not be recognized. This recognizes CSS-color-4 extensions." (let ((result '())) ;; First parse the hue. (css--color-skip-blanks) (unless (looking-at css--angle-regexp) (cl-return-from css--hsl-color nil)) (let ((hue (string-to-number (match-string 1))) (unit (match-string 2))) (goto-char (match-end 0)) ;; Note that here "turn" is just passed through. (cond ((or (not unit) (equal unit "deg")) ;; Degrees. (setq hue (/ hue 360.0))) ((equal unit "grad") (setq hue (/ hue 400.0))) ((equal unit "rad") (setq hue (/ hue (* 2 float-pi))))) (push (mod hue 1.0) result)) (dotimes (_ 2) (skip-chars-forward ",") (css--color-skip-blanks) (unless (looking-at css--percent-regexp) (cl-return-from css--hsl-color nil)) (let ((number (string-to-number (match-string 1)))) (setq number (/ number 100.0)) (push (min (max number 0.0) 1.0) result) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (css--color-skip-blanks))) (css--color-skip-blanks) ;; Accept a superset of the CSS syntax since I'm feeling lazy. (when (> (skip-chars-forward ",/") 0) (css--color-skip-blanks) (unless (looking-at css--number-or-percent-regexp) (cl-return-from css--hsl-color nil)) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (css--color-skip-blanks)) (when (looking-at ")") (forward-char) (apply #'color-rgb-to-hex (nconc (apply #'color-hsl-to-rgb (nreverse result)) '(2)))))) (defconst css--colors-regexp (concat ;; Named colors. (regexp-opt (mapcar #'car css--color-map) 'symbols) "\\|" ;; Short hex. css-color-4 adds alpha. "\\(#[0-9a-fA-F]\\{3,4\\}\\b\\)" "\\|" ;; Long hex. css-color-4 adds alpha. "\\(#\\(?:[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]\\)\\{3,4\\}\\b\\)" "\\|" ;; RGB. "\\(\\_ (length str) 5) 7 4))) (defun css--hex-alpha (hex) "Return the alpha component of CSS color HEX. HEX can either be in the #RGBA or #RRGGBBAA format. Return nil if the color doesn't have an alpha component." (cl-case (length hex) (5 (string (elt hex 4))) (9 (substring hex 7 9)))) (defun css--named-color (start-point str) "Check whether STR, seen at point, is CSS named color. Returns STR if it is a valid color. Special care is taken to exclude some SCSS constructs." (when-let* ((color (assoc str css--color-map))) (save-excursion (goto-char start-point) (forward-comment (- (point))) (skip-chars-backward "@[:alpha:]") (unless (looking-at-p "@\\(mixin\\|include\\)") (cdr color))))) (defun css--compute-color (start-point match) "Return the CSS color at point. Point should be just after the start of a CSS color, as recognized by `css--colors-regexp'. START-POINT is the start of the color, and MATCH is the string matched by the regexp. This function will either return the color, as a hex RGB string; or `nil' if no color could be recognized. When this function returns, point will be at the end of the recognized color." (cond ((eq (aref match 0) ?#) (css--hex-color match)) ((member match '("rgb(" "rgba(")) (css--rgb-color)) ((member match '("hsl(" "hsla(")) (css--hsl-color)) ;; Evaluate to the color if the name is found. ((css--named-color start-point match)))) (defun css--contrasty-color (name) "Return a color that contrasts with NAME. NAME is of any form accepted by `color-distance'. The returned color will be usable by Emacs and will contrast with NAME; in particular so that if NAME is used as a background color, the returned color can be used as the foreground and still be readable." ;; See bug#25525 for a discussion of this. (if (> (color-distance name "black") 292485) "black" "white")) (defcustom css-fontify-colors t "Whether CSS colors should be fontified using the color as the background. When non-`nil', a text representing CSS color will be fontified such that its background is the color itself. E.g., #ff0000 will be fontified with a red background." :version "26.1" :group 'css :type 'boolean :safe 'booleanp) (defun css--fontify-region (start end &optional loudly) "Fontify a CSS buffer between START and END. START and END are buffer positions." (let ((extended-region (font-lock-default-fontify-region start end loudly))) (when css-fontify-colors (when (and (consp extended-region) (eq (car extended-region) 'jit-lock-bounds)) (setq start (cadr extended-region)) (setq end (cddr extended-region))) (save-excursion (let ((case-fold-search t)) (goto-char start) (while (re-search-forward css--colors-regexp end t) ;; Skip comments and strings. (unless (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)) (let* ((start (match-beginning 0)) (color (css--compute-color start (match-string 0)))) (when color (with-silent-modifications ;; Use the color as the background, to make it more ;; clear. Use a contrasting color as the foreground, ;; to make it readable. Finally, have a small box ;; using the existing foreground color, to make sure ;; it stands out a bit from any other text; in ;; particular this is nice when the color matches the ;; buffer's background color. (add-text-properties start (point) (list 'face (list :background color :foreground (css--contrasty-color color) :box '(:line-width -1)))))))))))) extended-region)) (defcustom css-indent-offset 4 "Basic size of one indentation step." :version "22.2" :type 'integer :safe 'integerp) (defconst css-smie-grammar (smie-prec2->grammar (smie-precs->prec2 '((assoc ";") ;; Colons that belong to a CSS property. These get a higher ;; precedence than other colons, such as colons in selectors, ;; which are represented by a plain ":" token. (left ":-property") (assoc ",") (assoc ":"))))) (defun css--colon-inside-selector-p () "Return t if point looks to be inside a CSS selector. This function is intended to be good enough to help SMIE during tokenization, but should not be regarded as a reliable function for determining whether point is within a selector." (save-excursion (re-search-forward "[{};]" nil t) (eq (char-before) ?\{))) (defun css--colon-inside-funcall () "Return t if point is inside a function call." (when-let* ((opening-paren-pos (nth 1 (syntax-ppss)))) (save-excursion (goto-char opening-paren-pos) (eq (char-after) ?\()))) (defun css-smie--forward-token () (cond ((and (eq (char-before) ?\}) (scss-smie--not-interpolation-p) ;; FIXME: If the next char is not whitespace, what should we do? (or (memq (char-after) '(?\s ?\t ?\n)) (looking-at comment-start-skip))) (if (memq (char-after) '(?\s ?\t ?\n)) (forward-char 1) (forward-comment 1)) ";") ((progn (forward-comment (point-max)) (looking-at "[;,:]")) (forward-char 1) (if (equal (match-string 0) ":") (if (or (css--colon-inside-selector-p) (css--colon-inside-funcall)) ":" ":-property") (match-string 0))) (t (smie-default-forward-token)))) (defun css-smie--backward-token () (let ((pos (point))) (forward-comment (- (point))) (cond ;; FIXME: If the next char is not whitespace, what should we do? ((and (eq (char-before) ?\}) (scss-smie--not-interpolation-p) (> pos (point))) ";") ((memq (char-before) '(?\; ?\, ?\:)) (forward-char -1) (if (eq (char-after) ?\:) (if (or (css--colon-inside-selector-p) (css--colon-inside-funcall)) ":" ":-property") (string (char-after)))) (t (smie-default-backward-token))))) (defun css-smie-rules (kind token) (pcase (cons kind token) ('(:elem . basic) css-indent-offset) ('(:elem . arg) 0) ;; "" stands for BOB (bug#15467). (`(:list-intro . ,(or ";" "" ":-property")) t) ('(:before . "{") (when (or (smie-rule-hanging-p) (smie-rule-bolp)) (smie-backward-sexp ";") (unless (eq (char-after) ?\{) (smie-indent-virtual)))) ('(:before . "(") (cond ((smie-rule-hanging-p) (smie-rule-parent 0)) ((not (smie-rule-bolp)) 0))) ('(:after . ":-property") (when (smie-rule-hanging-p) css-indent-offset)))) ;;; Completion (defun css--complete-property () "Complete property at point." (save-excursion (let ((pos (point))) (skip-chars-backward "-[:alnum:]") (let ((start (point))) (skip-chars-backward " \t\r\n") (when (memq (char-before) '(?\{ ?\;)) (list start pos css-property-ids)))))) (defun css--complete-bang-rule () "Complete bang-rule at point." (save-excursion (let ((pos (point))) (skip-chars-backward "-[:alnum:]") (when (eq (char-before) ?\!) (list (point) pos css--bang-ids))))) (defun css--complete-pseudo-element-or-class () "Complete pseudo-element or pseudo-class at point." (save-excursion (let ((pos (point))) (skip-chars-backward "-[:alnum:]") (when (eq (char-before) ?\:) (list (point) pos (if (eq (char-before (- (point) 1)) ?\:) css-pseudo-element-ids css-pseudo-class-ids)))))) (defun css--complete-at-rule () "Complete at-rule (statement beginning with `@') at point." (save-excursion (let ((pos (point))) (skip-chars-backward "-[:alnum:]") (when (eq (char-before) ?\@) (list (point) pos css--at-ids))))) (defvar css--property-value-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size (length css-property-alist)) "Cache of previously completed property values.") (defun css--value-class-lookup (value-class) "Return a list of value completion candidates for VALUE-CLASS. Completion candidates are looked up in `css-value-class-alist' by the symbol VALUE-CLASS." (seq-uniq (seq-mapcat (lambda (value) (if (stringp value) (list value) (css--value-class-lookup value))) (cdr (assq value-class css-value-class-alist))))) (defun css--property-values (property) "Return a list of value completion candidates for PROPERTY. Completion candidates are looked up in `css-property-alist' by the string PROPERTY." (or (gethash property css--property-value-cache) (let ((values (seq-uniq (seq-mapcat (lambda (value) (if (stringp value) (list value) (or (css--value-class-lookup value) (css--property-values (symbol-name value))))) (cdr (assoc property css-property-alist)))))) (puthash property values css--property-value-cache)))) (defun css--complete-property-value () "Complete property value at point." (let ((property (save-excursion (re-search-backward ":[^/]" (line-beginning-position) t) (when (eq (char-after) ?:) (let ((property-end (point))) (skip-chars-backward "-[:alnum:]") (let ((prop (buffer-substring (point) property-end))) (car (member prop css-property-ids)))))))) (when property (let ((end (point))) (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward "[:graph:]") (list (point) end (append '("inherit" "initial" "unset") (css--property-values property)))))))) (defvar css--html-tags (mapcar #'car html-tag-alist) "List of HTML tags. Used to provide completion of HTML tags in selectors.") (defvar css--nested-selectors-allowed nil "Non-nil if nested selectors are allowed in the current mode.") (make-variable-buffer-local 'css--nested-selectors-allowed) (defvar css-class-list-function #'ignore "Called to provide completions of class names. This can be bound by buffers that are able to suggest class name completions, such as HTML mode buffers.") (defvar css-id-list-function #'ignore "Called to provide completions of IDs. This can be bound by buffers that are able to suggest ID completions, such as HTML mode buffers.") (defun css--foreign-completions (extractor) "Return a list of completions provided by other buffers. EXTRACTOR should be the name of a function that may be defined in one or more buffers. In each of the buffers where EXTRACTOR is defined, EXTRACTOR is called and the results are accumulated into a list of completions." (delete-dups (seq-mapcat (lambda (buf) (with-current-buffer buf (funcall (symbol-value extractor)))) (buffer-list)))) (defun css--complete-selector () "Complete part of a CSS selector at point." (when (or (= (nth 0 (syntax-ppss)) 0) css--nested-selectors-allowed) (let ((end (point))) (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward "-[:alnum:]") (let ((start-char (char-before))) (list (point) end (completion-table-dynamic (lambda (_) (cond ((eq start-char ?.) (css--foreign-completions 'css-class-list-function)) ((eq start-char ?#) (css--foreign-completions 'css-id-list-function)) (t css--html-tags)))))))))) (defun css-completion-at-point () "Complete current symbol at point. Currently supports completion of CSS properties, property values, pseudo-elements, pseudo-classes, at-rules, bang-rules, and HTML tags, classes and IDs." (or (css--complete-bang-rule) (css--complete-property-value) (css--complete-pseudo-element-or-class) (css--complete-at-rule) (seq-let (prop-beg prop-end prop-table) (css--complete-property) (seq-let (sel-beg sel-end sel-table) (css--complete-selector) (when (or prop-table sel-table) ;; FIXME: If both prop-table and sel-table are set but ;; prop-beg/prop-end is different from sel-beg/sel-end ;; we have a problem! `(,@(if prop-table (list prop-beg prop-end) (list sel-beg sel-end)) ,(completion-table-merge prop-table sel-table) :exit-function ,(lambda (string status) (and (eq status 'finished) (eolp) prop-table (test-completion string prop-table) (not (and sel-table (test-completion string sel-table))) (progn (insert ": ;") (forward-char -1)))))))))) (defun css--color-to-4-dpc (hex) "Convert the CSS color HEX to four digits per component. CSS colors use one or two digits per component for RGB hex values. Convert the given color to four digits per component. Note that this function handles CSS colors specifically, and should not be mixed with those in color.el." (let ((six-digits (= (length hex) 7))) (apply #'concat `("#" ,@(seq-mapcat (apply-partially #'make-list (if six-digits 2 4)) (seq-partition (seq-drop hex 1) (if six-digits 2 1))))))) (defun css--format-hex (hex) "Format a CSS hex color by shortening it if possible." (let ((parts (seq-partition (seq-drop hex 1) 2))) (if (and (>= (length hex) 6) (seq-every-p (lambda (p) (eq (elt p 0) (elt p 1))) parts)) (apply #'string (cons ?# (mapcar (lambda (p) (elt p 0)) parts))) hex))) (defun css--named-color-to-hex () "Convert named CSS color at point to hex format. Return non-nil if a conversion was made. Note that this function handles CSS colors specifically, and should not be mixed with those in color.el." (save-excursion (unless (or (looking-at css--colors-regexp) (eq (char-before) ?#)) (backward-word)) (when (member (word-at-point) (mapcar #'car css--color-map)) (looking-at css--colors-regexp) (let ((color (css--compute-color (point) (match-string 0)))) (replace-match (css--format-hex color))) t))) (defun css--format-rgba-alpha (alpha) "Return ALPHA component formatted for use in rgba()." (let ((a (string-to-number (format "%.2f" alpha)))) (if (or (= a 0) (= a 1)) (format "%d" a) (string-remove-suffix "0" (number-to-string a))))) (defun css--hex-to-rgb () "Convert CSS hex color at point to RGB format. Return non-nil if a conversion was made. Note that this function handles CSS colors specifically, and should not be mixed with those in color.el." (save-excursion (unless (or (eq (char-after) ?#) (eq (char-before) ?\()) (backward-sexp)) (when-let* ((hex (when (looking-at css--colors-regexp) (and (eq (elt (match-string 0) 0) ?#) (match-string 0)))) (rgb (css--hex-color hex))) (seq-let (r g b) (mapcar (lambda (x) (round (* x 255))) (color-name-to-rgb (css--color-to-4-dpc rgb))) (replace-match (if-let* ((alpha (css--hex-alpha hex)) (a (css--format-rgba-alpha (/ (string-to-number alpha 16) (float (- (expt 16 (length alpha)) 1)))))) (format "rgba(%d, %d, %d, %s)" r g b a) (format "rgb(%d, %d, %d)" r g b)) t)) t))) (defun css--rgb-to-named-color-or-hex () "Convert CSS RGB color at point to a named color or hex format. Convert to a named color if the color at point has a name, else convert to hex format. Return non-nil if a conversion was made. Note that this function handles CSS colors specifically, and should not be mixed with those in color.el." (save-excursion (when-let* ((open-paren-pos (nth 1 (syntax-ppss)))) (when (save-excursion (goto-char open-paren-pos) (looking-back "rgba?" (- (point) 4))) (goto-char (nth 1 (syntax-ppss))))) (when (eq (char-before) ?\)) (backward-sexp)) (skip-chars-backward "rgba") (when (looking-at css--colors-regexp) (let* ((start (match-end 0)) (color (save-excursion (goto-char start) (css--rgb-color t)))) (when color (kill-sexp) (kill-sexp) (let ((named-color (seq-find (lambda (x) (equal (cdr x) color)) css--color-map))) (insert (if named-color (car named-color) (css--format-hex color)))) t))))) (defun css-cycle-color-format () "Cycle the color at point between different CSS color formats. Supported formats are by name (if possible), hexadecimal, and rgb()/rgba()." (interactive) (or (css--named-color-to-hex) (css--hex-to-rgb) (css--rgb-to-named-color-or-hex) (message "It doesn't look like a color at point"))) (defun css--join-nested-selectors (selectors) "Join a list of nested CSS selectors." (let ((processed '()) (prev nil)) (dolist (sel selectors) (cond ((seq-contains sel ?&) (setq sel (replace-regexp-in-string "&" prev sel)) (pop processed)) ;; Unless this is the first selector, separate this one and the ;; previous one by a space. (processed (push " " processed))) (push sel processed) (setq prev sel)) (apply #'concat (nreverse processed)))) (defun css--prev-index-position () (when (nth 7 (syntax-ppss)) (goto-char (comment-beginning))) (forward-comment (- (point))) (when (search-backward "{" (point-min) t) (if (re-search-backward "}\\|;\\|{" (point-min) t) (forward-char) (goto-char (point-min))) (forward-comment (point-max)) (save-excursion (re-search-forward "[^{;]*")))) (defun css--extract-index-name () (save-excursion (let ((res (list (match-string-no-properties 0)))) (condition-case nil (while t (goto-char (nth 1 (syntax-ppss))) (if (re-search-backward "}\\|;\\|{" (point-min) t) (forward-char) (goto-char (point-min))) (forward-comment (point-max)) (when (save-excursion (re-search-forward "[^{;]*")) (push (match-string-no-properties 0) res))) (error (css--join-nested-selectors (mapcar (lambda (s) (string-trim (replace-regexp-in-string "[\n ]+" " " s))) res))))))) ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode css-mode prog-mode "CSS" "Major mode to edit Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). \\ This mode provides syntax highlighting, indentation, completion, and documentation lookup for CSS. Use `\\[complete-symbol]' to complete CSS properties, property values, pseudo-elements, pseudo-classes, at-rules, bang-rules, and HTML tags, classes and IDs. Completion candidates for HTML class names and IDs are found by looking through open HTML mode buffers. Use `\\[info-lookup-symbol]' to look up documentation of CSS properties, at-rules, pseudo-classes, and pseudo-elements on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN). Use `\\[fill-paragraph]' to reformat CSS declaration blocks. It can also be used to fill comments. \\{css-mode-map}" (setq-local font-lock-defaults css-font-lock-defaults) (setq-local comment-start "/*") (setq-local comment-start-skip "/\\*+[ \t]*") (setq-local comment-end "*/") (setq-local comment-end-skip "[ \t]*\\*+/") (setq-local syntax-propertize-function css-syntax-propertize-function) (setq-local fill-paragraph-function #'css-fill-paragraph) (setq-local adaptive-fill-function #'css-adaptive-fill) (setq-local add-log-current-defun-function #'css-current-defun-name) (smie-setup css-smie-grammar #'css-smie-rules :forward-token #'css-smie--forward-token :backward-token #'css-smie--backward-token) (setq-local electric-indent-chars (append css-electric-keys electric-indent-chars)) (setq-local font-lock-fontify-region-function #'css--fontify-region) (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'css-completion-at-point nil 'local) ;; The default "." creates ambiguity with class selectors. (setq-local imenu-space-replacement " ") (setq-local imenu-prev-index-position-function #'css--prev-index-position) (setq-local imenu-extract-index-name-function #'css--extract-index-name)) (defvar comment-continue) (defun css-fill-paragraph (&optional justify) (save-excursion ;; Fill succeeding comment when invoked right before a multi-line ;; comment. (when (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (comment-search-forward (point-at-eol) t)) (goto-char (match-end 0))) (let ((ppss (syntax-ppss)) (eol (line-end-position))) (cond ((and (nth 4 ppss) (save-excursion (goto-char (nth 8 ppss)) (forward-comment 1) (prog1 (not (bolp)) (setq eol (point))))) ;; Filling inside a comment whose comment-end marker is not \n. ;; This code is meant to be generic, so that it works not only for ;; css-mode but for all modes. (save-restriction (narrow-to-region (nth 8 ppss) eol) (comment-normalize-vars) ;Will define comment-continue. (let ((fill-paragraph-function nil) (paragraph-separate (if (and comment-continue (string-match "[^ \t]" comment-continue)) (concat "\\(?:[ \t]*\\(?:" (regexp-quote comment-continue) "\\|" comment-start-skip "\\|" comment-end-skip "\\)\\)?" "\\(?:" paragraph-separate "\\)") paragraph-separate)) (paragraph-start (if (and comment-continue (string-match "[^ \t]" comment-continue)) (concat "\\(?:[ \t]*" (regexp-quote comment-continue) "\\)?\\(?:" paragraph-start "\\)") paragraph-start))) (fill-paragraph justify) ;; Don't try filling again. t))) ((and (null (nth 8 ppss)) (or (nth 1 ppss) (and (ignore-errors (down-list 1) (when (<= (point) eol) (setq ppss (syntax-ppss))))))) (goto-char (nth 1 ppss)) (let ((end (save-excursion (ignore-errors (forward-sexp 1) (copy-marker (point) t))))) (when end (while (re-search-forward "[{;}]" end t) (cond ;; This is a false positive inside a string or comment. ((nth 8 (syntax-ppss)) nil) ;; This is a false positive when encountering an ;; interpolated variable (bug#19751). ((eq (char-before (- (point) 1)) ?#) nil) ((eq (char-before) ?\}) (save-excursion (forward-char -1) (skip-chars-backward " \t") (when (and (not (bolp)) (scss-smie--not-interpolation-p)) (newline)))) (t (while (progn (setq eol (line-end-position)) (and (forward-comment 1) (> (point) eol) ;; A multi-line comment should be on its own line. (save-excursion (forward-comment -1) (when (< (point) eol) (newline) t))))) (if (< (point) eol) (newline))))) (goto-char (nth 1 ppss)) (indent-region (line-beginning-position 2) end) ;; Don't use the default filling code. t))))))) (defun css-adaptive-fill () (when (looking-at "[ \t]*/\\*[ \t]*") (let ((str (match-string 0))) (and (string-match "/\\*" str) (replace-match " *" t t str))))) (defun css-current-defun-name () "Return the name of the CSS section at point, or nil." (save-excursion (when (css--prev-index-position) (css--extract-index-name)))) ;;; SCSS mode (defvar scss-mode-syntax-table (let ((st (make-syntax-table css-mode-syntax-table))) (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 124" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" st) ;; Variable names are prefixed by $. (modify-syntax-entry ?$ "_" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?% "_" st) st)) (defun scss-font-lock-keywords () (append `((,(concat "$" css-ident-re) (0 font-lock-variable-name-face))) (css--font-lock-keywords 'sassy) `((,(concat "@mixin[ \t]+\\(" css-ident-re "\\)[ \t]*(") (1 font-lock-function-name-face))))) (defun scss-smie--not-interpolation-p () (save-excursion (forward-char -1) (or (zerop (skip-chars-backward "-[:alnum:]")) (not (looking-back "#{\\$" (- (point) 3)))))) ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.scss\\'" . scss-mode)) ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode scss-mode css-mode "SCSS" "Major mode to edit \"Sassy CSS\" files." (setq-local comment-start "// ") (setq-local comment-end "") (setq-local comment-continue " *") (setq-local comment-start-skip "/[*/]+[ \t]*") (setq-local comment-end-skip "[ \t]*\\(?:\n\\|\\*+/\\)") (setq-local css--at-ids (append css-at-ids scss-at-ids)) (setq-local css--bang-ids (append css-bang-ids scss-bang-ids)) (setq-local css--nested-selectors-allowed t) (setq-local font-lock-defaults (list (scss-font-lock-keywords) nil t))) (defvar css--mdn-lookup-history nil) (defcustom css-lookup-url-format "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%s?raw¯os" "Format for a URL where CSS documentation can be found. The format should include a single \"%s\" substitution. The name of the CSS property, @-id, pseudo-class, or pseudo-element to look up will be substituted there." :version "26.1" :type 'string :group 'css) (defun css--mdn-after-render () (setf header-line-format nil) (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((window (get-buffer-window (current-buffer) 'visible))) (when window (when (re-search-forward "^\\(Summary\\|Syntax\\)" nil 'move) (beginning-of-line) (set-window-start window (point)))))) (defconst css--mdn-symbol-regexp (concat "\\(" ;; @-ids. "\\(@" (regexp-opt css-at-ids) "\\)" "\\|" ;; ;; Known properties. (regexp-opt css-property-ids t) "\\|" ;; Pseudo-classes. "\\(:" (regexp-opt css-pseudo-class-ids) "\\)" "\\|" ;; Pseudo-elements with either one or two ":"s. "\\(::?" (regexp-opt css-pseudo-element-ids) "\\)" "\\)") "Regular expression to match the CSS symbol at point.") (defconst css--mdn-property-regexp (concat "\\_<" (regexp-opt css-property-ids t) "\\s-*\\(?:\\=\\|:\\)") "Regular expression to match a CSS property.") (defconst css--mdn-completion-list (nconc ;; @-ids. (mapcar (lambda (atrule) (concat "@" atrule)) css-at-ids) ;; Pseudo-classes. (mapcar (lambda (class) (concat ":" class)) css-pseudo-class-ids) ;; Pseudo-elements with either one or two ":"s. (mapcar (lambda (elt) (concat ":" elt)) css-pseudo-element-ids) (mapcar (lambda (elt) (concat "::" elt)) css-pseudo-element-ids) ;; Properties. css-property-ids) "List of all symbols available for lookup via MDN.") (defun css--mdn-find-symbol () "A helper for `css-lookup-symbol' that finds the symbol at point. Returns the symbol, a string, or nil if none found." (save-excursion ;; Skip any whitespace between the word and point. (skip-chars-backward "- \t") ;; Skip backward over a word. (skip-chars-backward "-[:alnum:]") ;; Now skip ":" or "@" to see if it's a pseudo-element or at-id. (skip-chars-backward "@:") (if (looking-at css--mdn-symbol-regexp) (match-string-no-properties 0) (let ((bound (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)))) (when (re-search-backward css--mdn-property-regexp bound t) (match-string-no-properties 1)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun css-lookup-symbol (symbol) "Display the CSS documentation for SYMBOL, as found on MDN. When this command is used interactively, it picks a default symbol based on the CSS text before point -- either an @-keyword, a property name, a pseudo-class, or a pseudo-element, depending on what is seen near point." (interactive (list (let* ((sym (css--mdn-find-symbol)) (enable-recursive-minibuffers t) (value (completing-read (if sym (format "Describe CSS symbol (default %s): " sym) "Describe CSS symbol: ") css--mdn-completion-list nil nil nil 'css--mdn-lookup-history sym))) (if (equal value "") sym value)))) (when symbol ;; If we see a single-colon pseudo-element like ":after", turn it ;; into "::after". (when (and (eq (aref symbol 0) ?:) (member (substring symbol 1) css-pseudo-element-ids)) (setq symbol (concat ":" symbol))) (let ((url (format css-lookup-url-format symbol)) (buffer (get-buffer-create "*MDN CSS*"))) ;; Make sure to display the buffer before calling `eww', as that ;; calls `pop-to-buffer-same-window'. (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer (eww-mode) (add-hook 'eww-after-render-hook #'css--mdn-after-render nil t) (eww url))))) (provide 'css-mode) ;;; css-mode.el ends here