;;; el.srt --- SRecode templates for Emacs Lisp mode ;; Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Eric Ludlam ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . set escape_start "$" set escape_end "$" set mode "emacs-lisp-mode" set comment_start ";;;" set comment_prefix ";;" set comment_end "" set DOLLAR "$" context file template section-comment :blank "Insert a comment that separates sections of an Emacs Lisp file." ---- ;;; $^$ ;; ---- bind "s" template empty :user :time :file "Insert a skeleton for an Emacs Lisp file." ---- $>:filecomment$ ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; $^$ ;;; Code: (provide '$FILE$) ;;; $FILENAME$ ends here ---- prompt MODESYM "Major Mode Symbol (sans -mode): " prompt MODENAME "Nice Name of mode: " defaultmacro "MODESYM" prompt MODEEXTENSION "File name extension for mode: " template major-mode :file :blank :indent "Insert the framework needed for a major mode." sectiondictionary "FONTLOCK" set NAME macro "MODESYM" "-mode-font-lock-keywords" set DOC "Keywords for use with srecode macros and font-lock." sectiondictionary "MODEHOOK" set NAME macro "MODESYM" "-mode-hook" set DOC "Hook run when " macro "MODESYM" " starts." set GROUP macro "MODESYM" "-mode" set CUSTOMTYPE "'hook" sectiondictionary "MODEFCN" set NAME macro "MODESYM" "-mode" set DOC "Major-mode for " macro "MODESYM" "-mode buffers." set INTERACTIVE "" ---- $>:declaration:defgroup$ $>:syntax-table$ $:declaration:keymap$ $" table) ;; Comment end (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" table) ;; String (modify-syntax-entry ?\- "_" table) ;; Symbol (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" table) ;; Quote (modify-syntax-entry ?\` "'" table) ;; Prefix ` (backquote) (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "'" table) ;; Prefix ' (quote) (modify-syntax-entry ?\, "'" table) ;; Prefix , (comma) table) $/A$ ---- context declaration template include :blank "Insert a require statement." ---- (require '$?NAME$) ---- bind "i" template include-protected :blank "Insert a require statement." ---- (condition-case nil (require '$?NAME$) (error nil)) ---- prompt INTERACTIVE "Is this an interactive function? " default " (interactive)\n " read y-or-n-p prompt NAME "Name: " defaultmacro "PRENAME" template function :el :indent :blank "Insert a defun outline." ---- (defun $?NAME$ ($#ARGS$$NAME$$#NOTLAST$ $/NOTLAST$$/ARGS$) "$DOC$" $?INTERACTIVE$$^$ ) ---- bind "f" template variable :el :indent :blank "Inert a variable. DOC is optional." ---- (defvar $?NAME$ $^$ "$DOC$") ---- bind "v" template variable-const :el :indent :blank "Inert a variable." ---- (defconst $?NAME$ $^$ "$DOC$") ---- template variable-option :el :el-custom :indent :blank "Inert a variable created using defcustom." ---- (defcustom $?NAME$ $^$ "*$DOC$" :group '$GROUP$ :type $?CUSTOMTYPE$) ---- bind "o" template class :el :indent :blank "Insert a new class." ---- (defclass $?NAME$ () (($?ARG1$ :initarg :$ARG1$ :documentation "$^$") ) "Class $NAME$ ") ---- bind "c" template class-tag :el :indent :blank "Insert a new class." ---- (defclass $?NAME$ ($#PARENTS$$NAME$ $/PARENTS$) ($^$ ) "Class $NAME$ ") ---- template method :el :ctxt :indent :blank "Insert a new method." ---- (defmethod $?NAME$ ((this $?PARENT$)) "$DOC$" $^$ ) ---- bind "m" template method-tag :el :ctxt :indent :blank "Insert a new method for tag inserter." ---- (defmethod $NAME$ ($#ARGS$$#FIRST$($NAME$ $PARENT$)$/FIRST$$#NOTFIRST$ $NAME$$/NOTFIRST$$/ARGS$) "$DOC$" $^$ ) ---- prompt NAME "Method to Override: " defaultmacro "PRENAME" read mode-local-read-function prompt PARENT "Major Mode for binding: " defaultmacro "MODESYM" ;; Note: PARENT is used for override methods and for classes. Handy! template modelocal :el :ctxt :indent :blank "Insert a new mode-local function." ---- (define-mode-local-override $?NAME$ $?PARENT$ () "$DOC$" $^$) ---- bind "l" template defgroup :indent :blank "Create a custom group." ---- (defgroup $?MODESYM$-mode nil "$MODESYM$ group." :group 'languages) ---- bind "g" template keymap :indent :blank "Insert a keymap of some sort" ---- (defvar $?MODESYM$-mode-map (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key km "\C-c\C-c" '$MODESYM$-mode$^$) km) "Keymap used in `$MODESYM$-mode'.") ---- bind "k" context classdecl prompt NAME "Slot Name: " template variable-tag :indent :indent :blank "A field in a class." ---- ($?NAME$ :initarg :$NAME$ $#DEFAULTVALUE$:initform $VALUE$$/DEFAULTVALUE$ :documentation "$DOC$") ---- template variable :indent :indent :blank "A field in a class." ---- ($?NAME$ :initarg :$NAME$ :initform nil :type list :documentation "$DOC$") ---- bind "s" ;; end