;;; seq.el --- Sequence manipulation functions -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Nicolas Petton ;; Keywords: sequences ;; Maintainer: emacs-devel@gnu.org ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Sequence-manipulation functions that complement basic functions ;; provided by subr.el. ;; ;; All functions are prefixed with "seq-". ;; ;; All provided functions work on lists, strings and vectors. ;; ;; Functions taking a predicate or a function iterating over the ;; sequence as argument take the function as their first argument and ;; the sequence as their second argument. All other functions take ;; the sequence as their first argument. ;; ;; All functions are tested in test/automated/seq-tests.el ;;; Code: (defmacro seq-doseq (spec &rest body) "Loop over a sequence. Similar to `dolist' but can be applied lists, strings and vectors. Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each element of SEQ, in turn. Then evaluate RESULT to get return value, default nil. \(fn (VAR SEQ [RESULT]) BODY...)" (declare (indent 1) (debug ((symbolp form &optional form) body))) (let ((is-list (make-symbol "is-list")) (seq (make-symbol "seq")) (index (make-symbol "index"))) `(let* ((,seq ,(cadr spec)) (,is-list (listp ,seq)) (,index (if ,is-list ,seq 0))) (while (if ,is-list (consp ,index) (< ,index (seq-length ,seq))) (let ((,(car spec) (if ,is-list (car ,index) (seq-elt ,seq ,index)))) ,@body (setq ,index (if ,is-list (cdr ,index) (+ ,index 1))))) ,@(if (cddr spec) `((setq ,(car spec) nil) ,@(cddr spec)))))) (defun seq-drop (seq n) "Return a subsequence of SEQ without its first N elements. The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ." (let ((length (seq-length seq))) (seq-subseq seq (min n length) length))) (defun seq-take (seq n) "Return a subsequence of SEQ with its first N elements. The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ." (seq-subseq seq 0 (min n (seq-length seq)))) (defun seq-drop-while (pred seq) "Return a sequence, from the first element for which (PRED element) is nil, of SEQ. The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ." (let ((n 0)) (while (and (< n (seq-length seq)) (funcall pred (seq-elt seq n))) (setq n (+ 1 n))) (seq-drop seq n))) (defun seq-take-while (pred seq) "Return a sequence of the successive elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQ. The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ." (let ((n 0)) (while (and (< n (seq-length seq)) (funcall pred (seq-elt seq n))) (setq n (+ 1 n))) (seq-take seq n))) (defun seq-filter (pred seq) "Return a list of all the elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQ." (let ((exclude (make-symbol "exclude"))) (delq exclude (seq-map (lambda (elt) (if (funcall pred elt) elt exclude)) seq)))) (defun seq-remove (pred seq) "Return a list of all the elements for which (PRED element) is nil in SEQ." (seq-filter (lambda (elt) (not (funcall pred elt))) seq)) (defun seq-reduce (function seq initial-value) "Reduce the function FUNCTION across SEQ, starting with INITIAL-VALUE. Return the result of applying FUNCTION to INITIAL-VALUE and the first element of SEQ, then applying FUNCTION to that result and the second element of SEQ, then to that result and the third element of SEQ, etc. If SEQ is empty, return INITIAL-VALUE and FUNCTION is not called." (if (seq-empty-p seq) initial-value (let ((acc initial-value)) (seq-doseq (elt seq) (setq acc (funcall function acc elt))) acc))) (defun seq-some-p (pred seq) "Return any element for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQ, nil otherwise." (catch 'seq--break (seq-doseq (elt seq) (when (funcall pred elt) (throw 'seq--break elt))) nil)) (defun seq-every-p (pred seq) "Return non-nil if (PRED element) is non-nil for all elements of the sequence SEQ." (catch 'seq--break (seq-doseq (elt seq) (or (funcall pred elt) (throw 'seq--break nil))) t)) (defun seq-count (pred seq) "Return the number of elements for which (PRED element) in non-nil in seq." (let ((count 0)) (seq-doseq (elt seq) (when (funcall pred elt) (setq count (+ 1 count)))) count)) (defun seq-empty-p (seq) "Return non-nil if the sequence SEQ is empty, nil otherwise." (= 0 (seq-length seq))) (defun seq-sort (pred seq) "Return a sorted sequence comparing using PRED the elements of SEQ. The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ." (if (listp seq) (sort (seq-copy seq) pred) (let ((result (seq-sort pred (append seq nil)))) (cond ((stringp seq) (concat result)) ((vectorp seq) (vconcat result)) (t (error "Unsupported sequence: %s" seq)))))) (defun seq-contains-p (seq elt &optional testfn) "Return the first element in SEQ that equals to ELT. Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil." (seq-some-p (lambda (e) (funcall (or testfn #'equal) elt e)) seq)) (defun seq-uniq (seq &optional testfn) "Return a list of the elements of SEQ with duplicates removed. Use TESTFN to compare elements, or `equal' if TESTFN is nil." (let ((result '())) (seq-doseq (elt seq) (unless (seq-contains-p result elt testfn) (setq result (cons elt result)))) (nreverse result))) (defun seq-subseq (seq start &optional end) "Return the subsequence of SEQ from START to END. If END is omitted, it defaults to the length of the sequence. If START or END is negative, it counts from the end." (cond ((or (stringp seq) (vectorp seq)) (substring seq start end)) ((listp seq) (let (len) (and end (< end 0) (setq end (+ end (setq len (seq-length seq))))) (if (< start 0) (setq start (+ start (or len (setq len (seq-length seq)))))) (if (> start 0) (setq seq (nthcdr start seq))) (if end (let ((res nil)) (while (>= (setq end (1- end)) start) (push (pop seq) res)) (nreverse res)) (seq-copy seq)))) (t (error "Unsupported sequence: %s" seq)))) (defun seq-concatenate (type &rest seqs) "Concatenate, into a sequence of type TYPE, the sequences SEQS. TYPE must be one of following symbols: vector, string or list. \n(fn TYPE SEQUENCE...)" (pcase type (`vector (apply #'vconcat seqs)) (`string (apply #'concat seqs)) (`list (apply #'append (append seqs '(nil)))) (t (error "Not a sequence type name: %s" type)))) (defalias 'seq-copy #'copy-sequence) (defalias 'seq-elt #'elt) (defalias 'seq-reverse #'reverse) (defalias 'seq-length #'length) (defalias 'seq-do #'mapc) (defalias 'seq-each #'seq-do) (defalias 'seq-map #'mapcar) (provide 'seq) ;;; seq.el ends here