Hello, I happen to develop Python related project and I select Emacs as my editor. I have installed Emacs 23 on my Fedora 10 machine with the following extension: - CEDET 1.0pre4 - ECB 2.32 - Pymacs-0.24_beta1 - rope-0.9.1 - ropemacs-0.6 - Python mode (from https://launchpad.net/python-mode/) But I don't know how to setup Emacs to have "intellisense" for libraries in site-packages of python. Here is my .emacs file: ;; .emacs ;;; uncomment this line to disable loading of "default.el" at startup ;; (setq inhibit-default-init t) ;; enable visual feedback on selections (setq transient-mark-mode t) ;; default to better frame titles (setq frame-title-format (concat "%b - emacs@" (system-name))) ;; default to unified diffs (setq diff-switches "-u") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Beginning of my customization ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Add our site-lisp to the load-path (setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d" load-path)) (progn (cd "~/.emacs.d") (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Common stuff ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Removed for readability ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; CEDET stuff ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (load-library "cedet-stuff") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ECB stuff ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (load-library "ecb-stuff") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Python stuff ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (load-library "python-stuff") Here is the cedet-stuff.el: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CEDET ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (load-file "~/.emacs.d/cedet-1.0pre4/common/cedet.el") ;;make all the 'semantic.cache' files go somewhere sane (setq semanticdb-default-save-directory "~/emacs-meta/semantic.cache/") ;; Enabling various SEMANTIC minor modes. See semantic/INSTALL for more ideas. ;; Select one of the following ;(semantic-load-enable-code-helpers) ;; (semantic-load-enable-guady-code-helpers) ;; (semantic-load-enable-excessive-code-helpers) ;; Enable this if you develop in semantic, or develop grammars ;; (semantic-load-enable-semantic-debugging-helpers) Here is the ecb-stuff.el: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ECB ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; load ECB (require 'ecb) (require 'ecb-autoloads) ;; Disable update version check (setq ecb-version-check nil) ;; Filter unwanted source file (setq ecb-source-file-regexps (quote ((".*" ("\\(^\\(\\.\\|#\\)\\|\\(~$\\|\\.\\(pyc\\|elc\\|obj\\|o\\|class\\|lib\\|dll\\|a\\|so\\|cache\\)$\\)\\)") ("^\\.\\(emacs\\|gnus\\)$"))))) ;;Turn off Tip of the day (setq ecb-tip-of-the-day nil) ;; Set the layout (setq ecb-layout-name "left14") ;; Show the source file under the directories (setq ecb-show-sources-in-directories-buffer '("left7" "left13" "left14" "left15")) ;; Set the left-click mouse button to collapse directory in directory buffer (setq ecb-primary-secondary-mouse-buttons (quote mouse-1--C-mouse-1)) ;; Turn on semantic (setq semantic-load-turn-everything-on t) (require 'semantic-load) Here is the python-stuff.el: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Python mode customization ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Python mode (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.py$" . python-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (setq interpreter-mode-alist (cons '("python" . python-mode) interpreter-mode-alist)) (autoload 'python-mode "python-mode" "Python editing mode." t) ;; setup pymacs (autoload 'pymacs-apply "pymacs") (autoload 'pymacs-call "pymacs") (autoload 'pymacs-eval "pymacs" nil t) (autoload 'pymacs-exec "pymacs" nil t) (autoload 'pymacs-load "pymacs" nil t) ;;(eval-after-load "pymacs" ;; '(add-to-list 'pymacs-load-path YOUR-PYMACS-DIRECTORY")) (pymacs-load "ropemacs" "rope-") (setq ropemacs-enable-autoimport t) Emacs run just fine with all the above extensions. What should I do to make "intellisense" for modules, classes, methods in site-packages of Python? Many thanks. Tinh