;;; rx-tests.el --- tests for rx.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see .
(require 'ert)
(require 'rx)
(ert-deftest rx-seq ()
(should (equal (rx "a.b" "*" "c")
(should (equal (rx (seq "a" (: "b" (and "c" (sequence "d" nonl)
(should (equal (rx "a$" "b")
(should (equal (rx bol "a" "b" ?c eol)
(should (equal (rx "a" "" "b")
(should (equal (rx (seq))
(should (equal (rx "" (or "ab" nonl) "")
(ert-deftest rx-or ()
(should (equal (rx (or "ab" (| "c" nonl) "de"))
(should (equal (rx (or "ab" "abc" "a"))
(should (equal (rx (| nonl "a") (| "b" blank))
(should (equal (rx (|))
(ert-deftest rx-unordered-or ()
(should (equal (rx (unordered-or "ab" nonl "cd"))
(should (equal (rx (unordered-or "ab" "abc" "a"))
(should (equal (rx (unordered-or))
(ert-deftest rx-char-any ()
"Test character alternatives with `]' and `-' (Bug#25123)."
(should (equal
(rx string-start (1+ (char (?\] . ?\{) (?< . ?\]) (?- . ?:)))
(ert-deftest rx-char-any-range-nl ()
"Test character alternatives with LF as a range endpoint."
(should (equal (rx (any "\n-\r"))
(should (equal (rx (any "\a-\n"))
(ert-deftest rx-char-any-raw-byte ()
"Test raw bytes in character alternatives."
;; The multibyteness of the rx return value sometimes depends on whether
;; the test had been byte-compiled or not, so we add explicit conversions.
;; Separate raw characters.
(should (equal (string-to-multibyte (rx (any "\326A\333B")))
(string-to-multibyte "[AB\326\333]")))
;; Range of raw characters, unibyte.
(should (equal (string-to-multibyte (rx (any "\200-\377")))
(string-to-multibyte "[\200-\377]")))
;; Range of raw characters, multibyte.
(should (equal (rx (any "Å\211\326-\377\177"))
;; Split range; \177-\377ÿ should not be optimised to \177-\377.
(should (equal (rx (any "\177-\377" ?ÿ))
(ert-deftest rx-any ()
(should (equal (rx (any ?A (?C . ?D) "F-H" "J-L" "M" "N-P" "Q" "RS"))
(should (equal (rx (in "a!f" ?c) (char "q-z" "0-3")
(not-char "a-e1-5") (not (in "A-M" ?q)))
(should (equal (rx (any "^") (any "]") (any "-")
(not (any "^")) (not (any "]")) (not (any "-")))
(should (equal (rx (any "]" "^") (any "]" "-") (any "-" "^")
(not (any "]" "^")) (not (any "]" "-"))
(not (any "-" "^")))
(should (equal (rx (any "]" "^" "-") (not (any "]" "^" "-")))
(should (equal (rx (any "-" ascii) (any "^" ascii) (any "]" ascii))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "-" ascii)) (not (any "^" ascii))
(not (any "]" ascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any "-]" ascii) (any "^]" ascii) (any "-^" ascii))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "-]" ascii)) (not (any "^]" ascii))
(not (any "-^" ascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any "-]^" ascii) (not (any "-]^" ascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any "^" lower upper) (not (any "^" lower upper)))
(should (equal (rx (any "-" lower upper) (not (any "-" lower upper)))
(should (equal (rx (any "]" lower upper) (not (any "]" lower upper)))
(should (equal (rx (any "-a" "c-" "f-f" "--/*--"))
(should (equal (rx (any "]-a" ?-) (not (any "]-a" ?-)))
(should (equal (rx (any "--]") (not (any "--]"))
(any "-" "^-a") (not (any "-" "^-a")))
(should (equal (rx (not (any "!a" "0-8" digit nonascii)))
(should (equal (rx (any) (not (any)))
(should (equal (rx (any "") (not (any "")))
(ert-deftest rx-pcase ()
(should (equal (pcase "a 1 2 3 1 1 b"
((rx (let u (+ digit)) space
(let v (+ digit)) space
(let v (+ digit)) space
(backref u) space
(backref 1))
(list u v)))
'("1" "3")))
(let ((k "blue"))
(should (equal (pcase ""
((rx "<" (literal k) ">") 'ok))
(ert-deftest rx-kleene ()
"Test greedy and non-greedy repetition operators."
(should (equal (rx (* "a") (+ "b") (\? "c") (?\s "d")
(*? "e") (+? "f") (\?? "g") (?? "h"))
(should (equal (rx (zero-or-more "a") (0+ "b")
(one-or-more "c") (1+ "d")
(zero-or-one "e") (optional "f") (opt "g"))
(should (equal (rx (minimal-match
(seq (* "a") (+ "b") (\? "c") (?\s "d")
(*? "e") (+? "f") (\?? "g") (?? "h"))))
(should (equal (rx (minimal-match
(seq (zero-or-more "a") (0+ "b")
(one-or-more "c") (1+ "d")
(zero-or-one "e") (optional "f") (opt "g"))))
(should (equal (rx (maximal-match
(seq (* "a") (+ "b") (\? "c") (?\s "d")
(*? "e") (+? "f") (\?? "g") (?? "h"))))
(should (equal (rx "a" (*) (+ (*)) (? (*) (+)) "b")
(ert-deftest rx-repeat ()
(should (equal (rx (= 3 "a") (>= 51 "b")
(** 2 11 "c") (repeat 6 "d") (repeat 4 8 "e"))
(should (equal (rx (= 0 "k") (>= 0 "l") (** 0 0 "m") (repeat 0 "n")
(repeat 0 0 "o"))
(should (equal (rx (opt (0+ "a")))
(should (equal (rx (opt (= 4 "a")))
(should (equal (rx "a" (** 3 7) (= 4) (>= 3) (= 4 (>= 7) (= 2)) "b")
(ert-deftest rx-atoms ()
(should (equal (rx anychar anything)
(should (equal (rx unmatchable)
(should (equal (rx line-start not-newline nonl any line-end)
(should (equal (rx bol string-start string-end buffer-start buffer-end
bos eos bot eot eol)
(should (equal (rx point word-start word-end bow eow symbol-start symbol-end
word-boundary not-word-boundary not-wordchar)
(should (equal (rx digit numeric num control cntrl)
(should (equal (rx hex-digit hex xdigit blank)
(should (equal (rx graph graphic print printing)
(should (equal (rx alphanumeric alnum letter alphabetic alpha)
(should (equal (rx ascii nonascii lower lower-case)
(should (equal (rx punctuation punct space whitespace white)
(should (equal (rx upper upper-case word wordchar)
(should (equal (rx unibyte multibyte)
(ert-deftest rx-syntax ()
(should (equal (rx (syntax whitespace) (syntax punctuation)
(syntax word) (syntax symbol)
(syntax open-parenthesis) (syntax close-parenthesis))
(should (equal (rx (syntax string-quote) (syntax paired-delimiter)
(syntax escape) (syntax character-quote)
(syntax comment-start) (syntax comment-end)
(syntax string-delimiter) (syntax comment-delimiter))
(ert-deftest rx-category ()
(should (equal (rx (category space-for-indent) (category base)
(category consonant) (category base-vowel)
(category upper-diacritical-mark)
(category lower-diacritical-mark)
(category tone-mark) (category symbol)
(category digit)
(category vowel-modifying-diacritical-mark)
(category vowel-sign) (category semivowel-lower)
(category not-at-end-of-line)
(category not-at-beginning-of-line))
"\\c \\c.\\c0\\c1\\c2\\c3\\c4\\c5\\c6\\c7\\c8\\c9\\c<\\c>"))
(should (equal (rx (category alpha-numeric-two-byte)
(category chinese-two-byte) (category greek-two-byte)
(category japanese-hiragana-two-byte)
(category indian-two-byte)
(category japanese-katakana-two-byte)
(category strong-left-to-right)
(category korean-hangul-two-byte)
(category strong-right-to-left)
(category cyrillic-two-byte)
(category combining-diacritic))
(should (equal (rx (category ascii) (category arabic) (category chinese)
(category ethiopic) (category greek) (category korean)
(category indian) (category japanese)
(category japanese-katakana) (category latin)
(category lao) (category tibetan))
(should (equal (rx (category japanese-roman) (category thai)
(category vietnamese) (category hebrew)
(category cyrillic) (category can-break))
(should (equal (rx (category ?g) (not (category ?~)))
(ert-deftest rx-not ()
(should (equal (rx (not word-boundary))
(should (equal (rx (not ascii) (not lower-case) (not wordchar))
(should (equal (rx (not (syntax punctuation)) (not (syntax escape)))
(should (equal (rx (not (category tone-mark)) (not (category lao)))
(ert-deftest rx-group ()
(should (equal (rx (group nonl) (submatch "x")
(group-n 3 "y") (submatch-n 13 "z") (backref 1))
(should (equal (rx (group) (group-n 2))
(ert-deftest rx-regexp ()
(should (equal (rx (regexp "abc") (regex "[de]"))
(let ((x "a*"))
(should (equal (rx (regexp x) "b")
(should (equal (rx "" (regexp x) (eval ""))
(ert-deftest rx-eval ()
(should (equal (rx (eval (list 'syntax 'symbol)))
(should (equal (rx "a" (eval (concat)) "b")
(ert-deftest rx-literal ()
(should (equal (rx (literal (char-to-string 42)) nonl)
(let ((x "a+b"))
(should (equal (rx (opt (literal (upcase x))))
(ert-deftest rx-to-string ()
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(or nonl "\nx"))
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(or nonl "\nx") t)
(ert-deftest rx-let ()
(rx-let ((beta gamma)
(gamma delta)
(delta (+ digit))
(epsilon (or gamma nonl)))
(should (equal (rx bol delta epsilon)
(rx-let ((p () point)
(separated (x sep) (seq x (* sep x)))
(comma-separated (x) (separated x ","))
(semi-separated (x) (separated x ";"))
(matrix (v) (semi-separated (comma-separated v))))
(should (equal (rx (p) (matrix (+ "a")) eos)
(rx-let ((b bol)
(z "B")
(three (x) (= 3 x)))
(rx-let ((two (x) (seq x x))
(z "A")
(e eol))
(should (equal (rx b (two (three z)) e)
(rx-let ((f (a b &rest r) (seq "<" a ";" b ":" r ">")))
(should (equal (rx bol (f ?x ?y) ?! (f ?u ?v ?w) ?! (f ?k ?l ?m ?n) eol)
;; Rest parameters are expanded by splicing.
(rx-let ((f (&rest r) (or bol r eol)))
(should (equal (rx (f "ab" nonl))
;; Substitution is done in number positions.
(rx-let ((stars (n) (= n ?*)))
(should (equal (rx (stars 4))
;; Substitution is done inside dotted pairs.
(rx-let ((f (x y z) (any x (y . z))))
(should (equal (rx (f ?* ?a ?t))
;; Substitution is done in the head position of forms.
(rx-let ((f (x) (x "a")))
(should (equal (rx (f +))
(ert-deftest rx-define ()
(rx-define rx--a (seq "x" (opt "y")))
(should (equal (rx bol rx--a eol)
(rx-define rx--c (lb rb &rest stuff) (seq lb stuff rb))
(should (equal (rx bol (rx--c "<" ">" rx--a nonl) eol)
(rx-define rx--b (* rx--a))
(should (equal (rx rx--b)
(rx-define rx--a "z")
(should (equal (rx rx--b)
(defun rx--test-rx-to-string-define ()
;; `rx-define' won't expand to code inside `ert-deftest' since we use
;; `eval-and-compile'. Put it into a defun as a workaround.
(rx-define rx--d "Q")
(rx-to-string '(seq bol rx--d) t))
(ert-deftest rx-to-string-define ()
"Check that `rx-to-string' uses definitions made by `rx-define'."
(should (equal (rx--test-rx-to-string-define)
(ert-deftest rx-let-define ()
"Test interaction between `rx-let' and `rx-define'."
(rx-define rx--e "one")
(rx-define rx--f "eins")
(rx-let ((rx--e "two"))
(should (equal (rx rx--e nonl rx--f) "two.eins"))
(rx-define rx--e "three")
(should (equal (rx rx--e) "two"))
(rx-define rx--f "zwei")
(should (equal (rx rx--f) "zwei")))
(should (equal (rx rx--e nonl rx--f) "three.zwei")))
(ert-deftest rx-let-eval ()
(rx-let-eval '((a (* digit))
(f (x &rest r) (seq x nonl r)))
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(seq a (f bow a ?b)) t)
(ert-deftest rx-redefine-builtin ()
(should-error (rx-define sequence () "x"))
(should-error (rx-define sequence "x"))
(should-error (rx-define nonl () "x"))
(should-error (rx-define nonl "x"))
(should-error (rx-let ((punctuation () "x")) nil))
(should-error (rx-let ((punctuation "x")) nil))
(should-error (rx-let-eval '((not-char () "x")) nil))
(should-error (rx-let-eval '((not-char "x")) nil)))
(ert-deftest rx-constituents ()
(let ((rx-constituents
(append '((beta . gamma)
(gamma . "a*b")
(delta . ((lambda (form)
(regexp-quote (format "<%S>" form)))
1 nil symbolp))
(epsilon . delta))
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(seq (+ beta) nonl gamma) t)
(should (equal (rx-to-string '(seq (delta a b c) (* (epsilon d e))) t)
"\\(?:<(delta a b c)>\\)\\(?:<(epsilon d e)>\\)*"))))
(ert-deftest rx-compat ()
"Test old symbol retained for compatibility (bug#37517)."
(should (equal (rx-submatch-n '(group-n 3 (+ nonl) eol)) "\\(?3:.+$\\)")))
(provide 'rx-tests)