On Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 06:24:39AM +0200, Michael Heerdegen wrote: > Hello, > > I wanted to be sure I correctly understood that if you give multiple RX > arguments to the `rx' `*' operator, they are implicitly interpreted as a > sequence (AFAIU, that's the case. An implicit `or' would also make > sense, that's why I wondered). I didn't try to repeat your examples, but you are right: there is at least a big smoking hole in the docs: all of the repetition operators seem to take zero (one?) or more arguments according to the syntax shorthand, but the text refers to just one term, like here: ‘(zero-or-more RX...)’ ‘(0+ RX...)’ Match the RXs zero or more times. Greedy by default. Corresponding string regexp: ‘A*’ (greedy), ‘A*?’ (non-greedy) ...what is this `A' the text is referring to? Your experiments suggest that it is the sequence of the `RX...' in the syntax shorthand (i.e. (seq RX...), but the docs just leave it open :) Cheers -- t