There is no way to turn off displaying of ls-switches on modeline when in dired-mode. By default in certain configuration, dired display ls-switches on modeline. In case those switches are a long list, for example: "-lA --si --time-style long-iso --group-directories-first" then everything else on modeline gets pushed far to the right which is not very usable. In general I don't have much use of seing ls-switches on modeline and would like to be able to turn them off. As of current it does not seem possible since it is hard-coded in function `dired-sort-set-mode-line' in dired.el. I suggest, as small improvement, to introduce a user option to turn off or on displaying of ls-switches on modeline. As a suggestion I have attached small hack to dired.el as tested on my copy of Emacs, but you might wish to rewrite it. Drew had some other suggestions.