> In my experience hanging out at the #emacs channel at Freenode and
> asking for help or hints on elisp is fun, and it's easy to test ideas
> interactively with C-x C-e...

Indeed, completely agree!

> I don't know how to recompile Emacs after a change in
> a .c and restart it in less that 30 seconds

I don't know either 🙂. It take me about 2 - 3 minutes every time to recompile.
I have my emacs src from github and I just run make -j4 after a change. I don't
run full build. I then run emacs from src folder with -Q flag and test file as

>  wget -O bytecomp.patch https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2019-12/txtkIKP0OSag7.txt
>  wget -O lread.patch    https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2019-12/txttFA8rLAthl.txt
> wget -O chatty.el      https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2019-12/txt6f3pEXMWNI.txt

You will also need simple.patch. Contains a variable to turn off/on parser in eval so you
can just eval-buffer or eval-region.

Cool if you test! I would be glad to hear opinions on the idea of literal elisp. (Please I am aware of opinions on
implementation 🙂).

  # Apply the patches in /tmp/:
  cd /tmp/
  cp -v ~/bigsrc/emacs/src/lread.c                 /tmp/
  cp -v ~/bigsrc/emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el /tmp/
  # (find-man "1 patch")
  patch lread.c     lread.patch
  patch bytecomp.el bytecomp.patch
  # If they applied cleanly, copy the patched files back:
  cp -v /tmp/lread.c     ~/bigsrc/emacs/src/lread.c
  cp -v /tmp/bytecomp.el ~/bigsrc/emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el
  # Rebuild Emacs.
  # I usually skip some of the steps below - my way of executing
  # these scripts line by line from Emacs is explained here:
  #   http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2019.html
  #   http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html#6
  rm -Rfv  ~/bigsrc/emacs/
  mkdir -p ~/bigsrc/emacs/
  cd       ~/bigsrc/
  git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/emacs
  cd       ~/bigsrc/emacs/
  time ./autogen.sh   2>&1 | tee oa
  time ./configure    2>&1 | tee oc
  time make bootstrap 2>&1 | tee omb
  time make           2>&1 | tee om
  # Run the new Emacs:

  Eduardo Ochs

On Fri, 20 Dec 2019 at 22:18, arthur miller <arthur.miller@live.com> wrote:
> I was expecting that Arthur would come up with a preprocessor written
> in (I guess) 30 lines of Elisp... 

Interesting 🙂. If you have red my previous mails to this list you
might have noticed that I am not an elisp guru. Stefan has 
outlined two possible ways how this could be implemented in 
Elisp, if you follow his advice I am sure you will have a working 
solution you can present to us. I don't care how many lines of code
it will take.
