There is a particular default which I can't figure out how to change, and it's causing me to spuriously paste code, and chewing time finding these accidental pastes.

How do I stop the following:
Every time the right scroll bar is used with the middle mouse button, it pastes wherever the cursor happens to be when the mouse is finally released.  To be clear, I am not middle-clicking in the editing area!
GNU Emacs 23.1.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.0) from latest stock Kubuntu.  Browse Customization Groups -> Editing -> Mouse -> ...?

Also, how do I permanently disable "Active Region Highlighting"?  (Select, scroll, paste is impossible when enabled.)  I disabled it, saved options, and restarted, but sometimes new buffers re-enable ARH.  I can see '(transient-mark-mode) nil in .emacs config file already.

Jason Mancini