Hi Noam, thanks for the link, i used it to upload some of the emacs programs, reporting them as being falsely anti-virus detected.  I also submitted some of the exe's to virustotal.com, as mentioned in some other Norton community message, and none of the emacs exe's triggered any other anti-virus detections.

It's still a hassle, though, since, while many of the emacs programs are Quarantined by the Norton anti-virus (and can be easily restored), some others are Removed, for which there's no undo operation (all with the falsely detected WS.Reputation.1 message).



From: Noam Postavsky <npostavs@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 11:41:51 AM
To: Jeffrey Sondeen
Cc: 31572@debbugs.gnu.org
Subject: Re: bug#31572: 26.0.91; emacs-26.1 RC1 fails norton virus check
On 23 May 2018 at 14:03, Jeff Sondeen <sondeen@usc.edu> wrote:
> Hi all, i've been running Emacs version 26.091, but just downloaded
> emacs-26.1-rc1-x86_64.zip, but Norton Security has quarantined several
> *.exe's (runemacs.exe, etags.exe, etc) under
> emacs-26.1-rc1-x86_64/bin, complaining about a virus called
> "WS.Reputaton.1 Insight Network Threat" as per the attached pix (I
> didn't have this problem with 26.091)

According to https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.norton.com_en_forums_clarification-2Dwsreputation1-2Ddetection&d=DwIFaQ&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=yx7WeBO4vNFR2eleLG4z-w&m=o9Wkgj_Y9o3uwCY0WRrKyP4cX03_nVur3WsvHwtHGfY&s=qZ0lBbq4-JjwBbDalE5G8WHRkRB8NKGNShuCa4iCQ44&e=,
this warning doesn't represent a virus finding specifically:

    WS.Reputation.1 is a detection for files that have a low
    reputation score based on analyzing data from Symantec’s community
    of users and therefore are likely to be security risks.[...]

    The reputation-based system uses "the wisdom of crowds"[...]