Yes. See `C-h f require' and `C-h f provide' and `C-h i' with Elisp manual, node Named Features. Either name your file and the feature the same (minus the ".el") or explicitly pass the filename, as well as the feature name, to `require'. From the Elisp manual: If the feature is not present, then ‘require’ loads FILENAME with ‘load’. If FILENAME is not supplied, then the name of the symbol FEATURE is used as the base file name to load. However, in this case, ‘require’ insists on finding FEATURE with an added ‘.el’ or ‘.elc’ suffix (possibly extended with a compression suffix); a file whose name is just FEATURE won’t be used. (The variable ‘load-suffixes’ specifies the exact required Lisp suffixes.) Is your file ~/Admir/typ/zig/daph-ideograms/daph.el? ^^^^^^^ If not, (require 'daph) won't load it. No, it is daph-ideograms.el Is there way to load it when the filename differs?