Severity: bug Description: The global-mode-string is wrongly positioned in tab-bar when using "emacs -nw" and multiple windows. The bug only happens with emacs -nw. Steps: 1) emacs -Q -nw (master "af545234314601ba3dcd8bf32e0d9b46e1917f79") 2) Eval the following to add display-time-mode right-aligned to tab-bar: (progn (display-time-mode 1) (setopt tab-bar-format '(tab-bar-format-tabs-groups tab-bar-separator tab-bar-format-align-right tab-bar-format-global)) (tab-bar-mode 1)) 3) Split window right: C-x 3 Result: the global-mode-string will be wrongly positioned. It expected to be right-aligned to the current frame, but it's right-aligned to the left window. The position is correct while minibuffer has focus. See attached images.