> An unquoted list would be, for example, (list 1 2 3) So to > keep it consistent, without a quote, would it be > (defvar lst) > (setq lst (list)) ; nil > ? If you really want, yes you can write `(list)'. That evaluates to nil just like nil, '(), and () do. `list' is a function. `(list ...)' is a function call. () is not a function call. It's a constant. It's just alternative _syntax_ for nil. '() is syntax for the special form `(quote ())'. All of `(list)', (), '(), and nil evaluate to nil. > '() makes it easier to spot immediately, hey, > that's an empty list. To each their own. ;-) I don't find '() easier to spot than (). > But ... ultimately one writes code so the computer can execute > it, and not so that a human can read it. So maybe one > shouldn't quote empty lists? > > If so, I have 14 corrections to make... No, the computer couldn't care less whether you write (list), nil, (), or '(). ;-)