When run in an X window session and with low process memory limits, Emacs fails to open and/or syntax highlight some files properly. To reproduce, run: bash --noprofile --norc ulimit -d 10240 emacs Open treeset-private.hpp [attached] If things are still going smoothly, try turning on font-lock-mode. At this point, I get the error 'Invalid regexp: "Regular expression too big"'. If the ulimit is set to 8MB instead of 10MB, Emacs encounters this error on startup while attempting to load the splash screen. I have encountered similar errors while loading or highlighting this file with memory limits up to at least 12MB, if not larger. Sometimes the file will fail to load; sometimes it will load but be improperly highlighted; other times it will load but nothing will be highlighted and the modified flag will be set. Behavior is inconsistent; sometimes, simply reissuing the open file command or toggling font-lock-mode will fix things. If you have further questions about the bug, contact me at kketcham@cs.hmc.edu. Thank you. Kwang Ketcham Harvey Mudd College CS Department Staff