在 2020年3月24日 +0800 PM10:40,Eli Zaretskii ,写道: > > I'm not sure I understand the response. Let me repeat the question: > while the module thread parses JSON, will the main thread wait for it, > or will it do something else? Can you describe how this would work > using some use case where lsp-mode is used, like for completing on > program symbols? > 1. After user inputs a char, lsp-mode call the module api to setup a completion task. The task has a task id. The lsp-mode saves the task id as the current task and bind a callback function to it. It then returns. 2. The module create a task and adds it to its task queue. 3. The worker thread in the module fetches the task from task queue and executes it. It builds the json-rpc request and sends it to the lsp server. And then it waits for the reply from the lsp server. 4. The worker receives the reply from lsp server. It parses the json message and builds the completion result to a list(in lisp). 5. The worker thread posts a message to emacs. The message includes the task id and the completion result. 6. Emacs receives the message and dispatches it to lsp-mode (by calling a function in lsp-mode). The function checks that it is the result of the completion ask and call the task callback function which will popups a menu to display the completion items. > > It will be good if module thread can post message to lisp thread. It will be > > better if module thread can send lisp data within the message to lisp thread. > > Posting messages is possible by writing to a pipe. But I don't think > I understand what you mean by "send Lisp data" -- how (in what form) > can Lisp data be sent? > It  can be the above completion list, a point to a lisp object which can be passed to emacs to for lsp-mode to use. > > I don't think I understand what does pdumper have to do with this > > issue. > > > > My understanding is that pdumper can serialize and deserialize lisp data. Maybe we can prepare data with its > > format and let it deserialize them. > > But we already do that: the libjansson library "serializes" the data, > and we then deserialize it in Emacs as we get the data from the > library. That deserialization is what takes the time you are trying > to make shorter. Before lsp-mode, I used completion tools like irony-mode for c/c++ and gocode for golang. They work very smoothly. Now I have used lsp-mode with emacs-27 or emacs master for several weeks. It doesn’t work as smoothly as the above tools. It lags. I added some debug messages to lsp-mode and see that there are too many(about 10~30) json messages arrived after I input every char. Emacs has to parse and process all of them on every key pressing. For the old completion tools, there are only one or two json messages arrived on every key pressing. Maybe it is the problem of the lsp server. But it is hard to modify them.