There is a related bug: #38749.
在 2020年1月4日 +0800 PM6:49,Alan Mackenzie <>,写道:
Hello, Alan.

On Wed, Jan 01, 2020 at 11:27:57 +0000, Alan Third wrote:
One small annoyance I’ve had with developing Emacs is that the
helpers for filling in the changelog entries don’t work with Objective
C methods. I’ve tried writing a patch to make it work.

For reference, an Objective C class looks something like:

@implementation ClassName

- (int)doSomething
/* do that something */
return 1;

- (void)doSomethingTo: (SomeClass *)object with: (int)someParam


And I think the methods’ names should be written something like:

-[ClassName doSomething]
-[ClassName doSomethingTo:with:]

The ‘-’ means it’s an instance method and a ‘+’ would mean it was a
class method.

If either ClassName or doSomethingTo is long, you might be taking up too
much space on, for example, the first line of a commit message. But
you've probably already thought this through. How long are these
extended names in practice?

It appears to work for me, but I’m not great at Emacs lisp so I
thought it best to run this by the mailing list in case I’ve made any
boneheaded errors.

I've got just a few comments to add to Eli's and Stefan's, so ....

Alan Third

From 2945f1c6c57eeabdbeb8e7c058070587a9bf4c0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Third <>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2019 16:38:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add ability to find ObjC method names

* lisp/progmodes/cc-cmds.el (c-defun-name-1): Add Objective-C method
name ability.
lisp/progmodes/cc-cmds.el | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 30 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/cc-cmds.el b/lisp/progmodes/cc-cmds.el
index 0343f9df32..9165398132 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/cc-cmds.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/cc-cmds.el
@@ -2024,6 +2024,36 @@ c-defun-name-1

+ ((looking-at "[-+]\\s-*(") ; Objective-C method

I'd be happier here if you could also check we're really in Objc with
(c-major-mode-is 'objc-mode).

+ (let ((class
+ (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward "@\\(implementation\\|class\\|interface\\)")

Here, you might want to give a NOERROR argument to re-search-backward,
so that if implementation etc., isn't found, you can handle the error
gracefully. Something like

(if (re-search-backward "@\\(....\\)" nil t)

+ (c-forward-token-2)
+ (thing-at-point 'word t)))
+ (type (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (+ (point) 1)))
+ (name
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-forward-token-2 2 t)

c-forward-token-2 might not be the best function, here. It moves to the
next token, but if there isn't a next token it doesn't move at all.
c-forward-over-token-and-ws might be better. Alternatively, you could
check the result of c-forward-token-2 (say, with zerop) and take special
action if the call has failed. This comment also applies to the later
uses of c-forward-token-2.

+ (let ((name ""))

I feel there ought to be a standard CC Mode function which would do the
following scanning to the {, but I can't find it at the moment.

+ (while (not (looking-at "[{;]"))

Or, (not (memq (char-after) '(?{ ?\;))), which would be minutely faster.
It would also not change the match-data if you cared about that (which
you don't, here).

+ (let ((start (point))
+ (end
+ (progn
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (forward-word)
+ (if (looking-at ":")
+ (+ (point) 1)
+ (point)))))
+ (when (looking-at ":")
+ (c-forward-token-2)
+ (if (looking-at "(")
+ (c-forward-token-2 2 t)
+ (c-forward-token-2 1 t)))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (setq name (concat name (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))))

Just a small point: isn't name always the empty string before this form?
If so, you could get rid of the concat and just use

+ name))))
+ (format "%s[%s %s]" type class name)))

As an alternative to format, you could use (concat type "[" class " "
name "]")
, which is more direct, but probably doesn't matter here.

(t ; Normal function or initializer.
(when (looking-at c-defun-type-name-decl-key) ; struct, etc.
(goto-char (match-end 0))

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).