在 2019年10月24日 +0800 PM7:44,Lars Ingebrigtsen ,写道: HaiJun Zhang writes: I edebug(use edebug-defun) some functions in file.el and then close file.el. When I open a new file, emacs aborts and show a buffer with edebug error(It can’t find the original source buffer to debug). And I even can’t quit emacs because there are functions in kill-emacs-hook which try to open file and save data(such as recentf). It will be good if there is a command to stop edebugging. There is in Emacs 27 -- `M-x edebug-remove-instrumentation'. Does this do what you want to? -- (domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.) bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no Yes. I copied the source code of the command to emacs 26.3. It worked well with emacs 26.3. Thanks. This bug can be closed.