Description: The user option 'tab-bar-tab-group-format-function' is not applied to current group tab, only to other group tabs. I suspect this is not intentional and could be fixed by the attached patch. Steps: 1) emacs -Q (master "42c757913a4c6acc07f8904df7def6b720bb23b4") 2) Enable tab bar and create some tabs and groups: (progn (tab-bar-mode 1) (tab-bar-change-tab-group "group1") (tab-new) (tab-bar-change-tab-group "group2") (tab-new) (tab-bar-change-tab-group "group2") (tab-new) (tab-bar-change-tab-group "group3")) 3) Set a custom function to format group tabs: (progn (defun my-tab-bar-group-format (tab i) (format "<%s (%s)>" (funcall tab-bar-tab-group-function tab) i)) (setopt tab-bar-format '(tab-bar-format-tabs-groups) tab-bar-tab-group-format-function 'my-tab-bar-group-format)) 4) Change tabs a couple of times with 'C-x t o' ('tab-next') Result: The 'tab-bar-tab-group-format-function' is not applied to format the current group tab, only to other group tabs. See attach patch for a proposed fix. If this behavior is intentional, I propose to update the doc string.