wrote on 10/01/2004 02:13:44 PM:

> (J. David Boyd) writes:
> > Sarir Khamsi <> writes:
> >
> >> Never mind...I did a diff between previous versions and found my
> >> problem. Sorry.
> >
> > You're supposed to tell us what the problem was so that we can all learn!
> Fair enough...this is what I took out:
> (add-hook 'c-mode-hook
>       (function (lambda ()
>               (setq c-file-style "local"))))
> (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook
>        (function (lambda ()
>               (setq c-file-style "local"))))
> I didn't think I needed it. After I got the initial reply, it all made
> sense when I did the diff.
> Sari

I still think you would do better using something like this in your .emacs:

                             ;Set Ellemtel as the default indent style
                                      ;Stroustrup looks about the same
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
             (c-set-style "Ellemtel")))

There are several complete systems of C styles, which should be more satisfactory than re-inventing the wheel.  Of course, you may like inventing!
