With a new Windows platform, I'm trying to update emacs from 20.6 to 22.3.1.

I have to get igrep working. I use it constantly. I see this error. I can stay
on 20.6, but it seems like a good time to upgrade if I can get everything working.

1 - The first few lines of output look like this, which means I can't immediately start
stepping through. I have to click on the igrep frame first.

-*- mode: igrep; default-directory: "f:/emacs/" -*-
Igrep started at Tue Mar 23 15:33:32

grep -n -i -e copy f:/emacs/*.el NUL
... and then the matches ...

Ken Goldman kgold@watson.ibm.com
914-784-7646 (863-7646)