Hello, Bellow all quotations by indented by 4 spaces. I send this report w/o using Emacs because the version which I built for Windows 7 exits immediately. If I type      emacs.exe --version I get this:     GNU Emacs     Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.     GNU Emacs comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.     You may redistribute copies of Emacs     under the terms of the GNU General Public License.     For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING. If I type     runemacs.exe -Q then is exits without any Windows crash windows, nor any output If I type the following     emacs.exe -Q Then I get on std error the following     Odd length text property list And if immediately after this I type     echo %ERRORLEVEL% Then I get on std out the following     -1 attached is a log of a gdb session. Note: this is not the very latest version of Emacs but a fairly recent one (less than a couple of months) which I tried to build. If you like I can try and make some build log for you. VBR,    Vincent.