Thanks, that did the trick. 


Camden Narzt

On Sep 3, 2020, at 7:54 AM, Robert Pluim <> wrote:

On Wed, 2 Sep 2020 10:31:36 -0600, Camden Narzt <> said:

   Camden> (require 'seq)
   Camden> (setq exec-path (seq-filter (lambda (haystack) (not (string-match-p (regexp-quote "Homebrew/shims") haystack))) exec-path))
   Camden> (setenv "PATH" (string-join (seq-filter (lambda (haystack) (not (string-match-p (regexp-quote "Homebrew/shims") haystack))) (split-string (getenv "PATH") ":")) ":"))

   Camden> The error:

   Camden> Loading site-load.el (source)...
   Camden> (require seq) while preparing to dump
   Camden> make[1]: *** [emacs.pdmp] Error 255
   Camden> make: *** [src] Error 2

   Camden> Can anyone who is more knowledgeable about the new portable dumper system please steer me in the right direction?

This doesnʼt really have anything to do with the portable dumper. When
dumping the portion of emacs lisp that you can use is fairly limited,
so you canʼt just go loading seq.el. Try something along the lines of

(setq exec-path (delete nil
                 (lambda (elt)
                   (unless (string-match-p "Homebrew/shims" elt) elt))

I donʼt think you need to do anything with PATH, Emacs doesnʼt store
that anywhere.
