I'd like to be able to add function documentation to a prefix command that was setup by define-prefix-command. For instance, (put 'pfx-cmd 'function-documentation "doc here yada yada...") but documentation for keymap "functions" gets eaten in describe-function-1 in help-fns.el. The documentation is found as it should be, but then the function help-fns--signature kills it for no obvious reason. In particular, help-fns--signature looks like (defun help-fns--signature (function doc real-def real-function) (unless (keymapp function) ...body)) but if that were changed to (defun help-fns--signature (function doc real-def real-function) (if (keymapp function) doc ...body)) any non-nil documentation on the prefix command would be printed in describe-function and nothing else would be perturbed. The comments in help-fns--signature (and the name) suggest that this omission was motivated by not needing a function signature for the prefix command. But if that's the reason, this would seem to go too far by suppressing all documentation. Is there a reason not to allow documentation for prefix commands? Can this simple change be made? (Running Gnu Emacs 24.4.1 on Mac OS X 10.7.5.) Thanks, Chris