On Wed, 15 May 2019 at 07:04, Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org> wrote:
Richard Copley <rcopley@gmail.com> writes:

> Within the docstring for url-retrieve, it says: "[...] The
> error can be signaled with (signal ERROR-SYMBOL DATA) [...]",
> but in current master (grep for ":error" in "lisp/url/*.el") the actual
> usage is that ERROR-SYMBOL is `error' and DATA is a list that starts
> with a symbol, for example (connection-failed "failed with code 10061"
> :host "localhost" :service 80). The docstring hints at something
> like this:
>   (url-retrieve (format "http://localhost/non-existent-resource")
>                 (lambda (status &rest args)
>                   (let ((error-info (plist-get status :error)))
>                     (when error-info
>                       (signal (car error-info) (cdr error-info))))
>                   ;;...
>                   ))

I tried finding that doc string, but it doesn't seem to exist any more?
Was that in the `url-retrieve' doc string?

No, it's the best I could come up with given the "hint":
  "The error can be signaled with (signal ERROR-SYMBOL DATA)"
in the url-retrieve docstring.
grep --color -nH --null -e "car error-info" `find . -type f`

Grep finished with no matches found at Wed May 15 08:01:26

> which ends up calling this:
>   (signal 'error
>           '(connection-failed "failed with code 10061"
>             :host "localhost"
>             :service 80))
> which ends up printing these two lines (including the newline
> embedded in a string) to the echo area:
> error in process sentinel: peculiar error: "failed with code 10061
> ", :host, "localhost", :service, 80

Yeah, that's not the right way to call `error'...

> Unfortunately the error code itself, `connection-failed', is dropped.
> (See print_error_message in "print.c"; if ERROR-SYMBOL is `error' then
> the car of DATA, say ERRMSG, is printed if it is a string; if ERRMSG
> is not a string then "peculiar error" is printed instead of ERRMSG.)
> Please also consider augmenting the docstring with an example of using
> the error data. It's a drag for the user to have to work that out
> before they are in a position to call url-retrieve!

Yup.  But I don't know why that example is gone -- perhaps somebody else

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no