On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 11:49 AM Zihao Zhu wrote: > I try the Emacs build in commit > 780f674a82a90c4e3e32583059b498bfa57e4a06. When I eval > > (set-frame-font "Sarasa Mono Slab SC" t) > GDB attached backtrace in attachment. This line seems suspicious: font_face = 0x7ffff747e880 <_cairo_font_face_nil_file_not_found> It looks like you can't rely on cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern to return a NULL pointer. I suspect the attached patch will work, but if this is something Cairo does in other places it needs to be checked. (My suspicion is the font was not installed correctly, so Cairo couldn't find it.)