On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 8:03 AM, martin rudalics <rudalics@gmx.at> wrote:
>> FWIW here resizing a window "manually" makes the mini-window "go normal"
>> first.
> Strange, that doesn't work here. Are you using the echo area or the
> minibuffer to test? I'm using the minibuffer.

It goes back to normal in the echo area but leaves the minibuffer window
alone as you say.

I had assumed "go normal" meant "shrink back to normal size", which is true for the echo area but not the minibuffer.
>>    Resizing the frame leaves the mini-window alone.
> ...which means they'll be in an inconsistent state afterwards, having been
> resized while the mini-window was enlarged.

Can you tell me more about this inconsistency?

Well, first, to clarify, I was talking about unpatched Emacs, and using window-size-change-functions in an attempt to catch window size changes.

1. window at 80x24, mini-window at 1 line, window thinks it's 80x24. Everything okay.
2. mini-window grows to 2 lines
3. window at 80x23, mini-window at 2 lines, window thinks it's 80x24. Inconsistent, but temporary.
4. user resizes window to 79x23. size-change-functions called.
5. window at 79x23, mini-window at 2 lines, window thinks it's 79x23. Everything okay again.
6. mini-window shrinks.
7. window at 79x24, mini-window at 1 line, window thinks it's 79x23. Permanent inconsistency.

Am I missing something here?
