On Tue, 10 Sept 2024 at 10:32, martin rudalics <rudalics@gmx.at> wrote:

Since you run with

emacs -Q  --eval "(setq default-frame-alist '((menu-bar-lines . 0)))"

Emacs considers menu bars to be currently enabled "globally" and
disabling them globally has no effect on that frame.  Do you agree with
this explanation?

I would be more cautious, since I do not know the code, and simply say that disabling menu-bar-mode has no effect on the current frame, where there is already no menu bar.

So please try again with the attached patch which records the original
unscaled sizes.  And please tell me what


evaluate to.

Can I just check: do you want me to apply your latest gtkutil-reject.diff on top of your previous size_hints.diff, or instead of it?
