> If you remove all the non-ASCII characters from the Org file, does the > slowdown go away? Eli, that solved it! The new test file is at https://gist.github.com/kings2u/2ef0e145f2b42d0a13605b0dc9b6e6e2. I replaced every non-ASCII character with an "a" so the file still has the same number of total characters, and in my emacs 30.0 50 build (as of 2024-05-25), doing Steps 1 to Step 7 gives me abbrev expansions that are as lighting fast as in emacs 28.2! So what now? Do you think you can solve what’s going on in the backend so bigger buffers with markers and non-ASCII characters don’t exhibit this slowness in the latest emacs? Thank you again! On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 1:04 PM Eli Zaretskii wrote: > > From: Mitchell > > Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 12:57:58 -0600 > > Cc: 71644@debbugs.gnu.org > > > > > Why did you decide the problem was due to markers? I see a single > > > change in the implementation of markers in Emacs 29 as compared to > > > Emacs 28, and no changes at all in Emacs 30 (except one that affects > > > the Android, I think). > > > > I thought it was markers because (1) overwriting a few functions in > counsel.el to be the versions at > > https://gist.github.com/kings2u/5a8acbf0986f0848be66169d2dba7260 so > that counsel-outline cleaned up the > > markers it created caused the bug to go away, and (2) the bug also > exists when instead of counsel-outline at > > Step 5 I used org-refile (with `org-refile-use-cache` is set to `t`), > and `org-refile-use-cache` seems to create > > many markers in the buffer. But maybe counsel-outline and org-refile are > both doing something else that > > cause the bug. (FWIW I did also notice that the abbrev expansions were > slightly quicker in Step 7 after using > > org-refile than after counsel-outline...) > > If you remove all the non-ASCII characters from the Org file, does the > slowdown go away? > > > > I _can_ reproduce this in Emacs 29.3, where indeed > > > expanding any of the two abbrevs takes about 0.5 sec to show on the > > > screen. > > > > Abbrev expansions on my machine take longer. When I re-create the bug > with counsel-outline, the abbrevs > > take over a second each to expand. Maybe your hardware is faster than > mine? > > Could be, but twice slower sounds too much to be explained by CPU > speed. > > > > I see 3400 markers created by counsel-outline in this case, which is > > > not too many, IMO. > > > > Interesting, maybe it isn’t markers after all. Can I ask how you count > markers? I couldn’t find anything in the > > docs or online. > > There's a function count_markers in Emacs, it just isn't compiled > unless you compile with -DDEBUG_MARKERS=1. So I compiled it and > called it from GDB. >