Hi again

once again really appreciate the answer and apologize in advance for my limited grasp of coding. so i managed i think to follow your example and now have this as my capture template

(setq org-capture-templates nil)
(setq org-capture-templates-contexts nil)

(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
'("f" "Food"
(file+headline (concat pmm "/org/files/agenda/food.org") "Inbox")
"* COOK %^{Recipe Name}      
:ID: %(org-id-uuid)
:Time: %^{minutes|%s}
:type: %^{Type?|%s}

%^{prompt|*** Ingredients}
%^{prompt|*** Preparation}


(mapconcat #'identity '("1" "2" "3" "4" "5") "|")
(mapconcat #'identity '("Indian" "Thai" "Vietnamese" "Asian" "Chinese") "|")

"Capture Template for food recipe"

yet i only get offered a %s as a option and not the string in my capture process. 

im sure my syntax is way off, can anyone stir me in the right direction?



On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 7:19 PM, Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr> wrote:

Xebar Saram <zeltakc@gmail.com> writes:

> thx Nicolas
> really appreciate your answer! though im very week in coding so im
> struggling to understand. but perhaps an example will help. the following
> is a part of my capture:
> (add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
> '("ff" "Food"
> entry
> (file+headline (concat pmm "/org/files/agenda/food.org") "Inbox")
> "* COOK %^{Recipe Name}
> :ID: %(org-id-uuid)
> :Time: %^{minutes|-|10|15|30|60}
> :Rating: %^{rating?|-|1|2|3|4|5}
> :Source:  %x
> :Cuisine:
> %^{Cuisine?|-|Indian|Thai|Vietnamese|Asian|Chinese|Israeli|Italian|American|EastEuro|Mexican|French|Persian|Austrian}
> :Type: %^{Type?|-|main|side|starter|sweets|drinks|sauce|breakfast}
> :Main.ing:
>  %^{main.ing?|-|chicken|beef|potatos|fish|seafood|shrimp|rice|pasta|fruit}
> :Serves: %^{Serves?|-|1|2|4|6|8}
> :END:
> %^{prompt|*** Ingredients}
> %?
> %^{prompt|*** Preparation}
> "
> "Capture Template for food recipe"
> ))
> so do i need a separate  mapconcat #'number-to-string for each property
> value (time,type etc?)

Yes, you do. However, #'number-to-string is only useful if you're
inserting numbers. I think you can use the more general
#'prin1-to-string everywhere instead, e.g.,

  (mapconcat #'prin1-to-string '(Indian Thai Vietnamese Asian Chinese) "|")

or even, using strings

  (mapconcat #'identity '("Indian" "Thai" "Vietnamese" "Asian" "Chinese") "|")

> and how dows the %s know which mapconcat command to refer to?

The are processed by order. The first "%s" refers to the first
mapconcat, the second "%s" to the second mapconcat, and so on...


Nicolas Goaziou                                                0x80A93738