I should have reproduced it using -Q. Here are the exact instructions - Here are the exact steps to reproduce it using -Q on 28.2 debian - (0) touch the two files in tmp/ cd ~/tmp/ touch "07 nov 2395 zz.kk" touch "zz.kk" (1) Launch emacs -Q and eval this - (progn (setq dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks t) (setq dired-listing-switches "-alF") (setq delete-by-moving-to-trash t) ) (2) Run dired ONLY after Eval'ing this (3) Press d on the file labeled "07 aa 2395 zz.kk". Then press x. (4) Dired will now show that the correct(!) file is deleted. (5) Refresh the buffer by pressing "g" to see that actulaly, the wrong file was deleted! >