On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 7:39 AM, John Zorn <jzornn@gmail.com> wrote:
> All this extra code and complexity, for what exactly?
> You said it yourself, `erc-tls' is already there,
> it's even interactive!
> If you think it's not "prominent enough", one can certainly
> make it more prominent instead of producing the tangled
> mess that is your patch. Similar situations have
> led to ERC being bloated and messy as hell.
> John

What a bizarrely hostile and unproductive post.  

Vibhav, technical issues aside, thanks for your efforts to improve
ERC; it could definitely use some more attention.  I'd recommend
disregarding that outburst entirely; it looks to have been written
by someone who has never contributed to Emacs in any way or
was trolling with a throw-away identity or both.
