I can generate the diagram I'm looking for with this code, mostly stolen from another :I have tables like this (the real ones are substantially longer):I'm trying to draw a very simple, silly graph using dot. I'm following the code here:and here:
#+name: students-graph
| a | b |
| a | m |
| a | f |
| b | t |
#+name: students-table
| *node* | *label* | *shape* | *fillcolor* |
| a | Omar | ellipse | green |
| b | Hindia | ellipse | orange |
| c | Yuvrai | ellipse | purple |
#+name: make-dot
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var table=students-table graph=students-graph :results output :exports none
(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
(princ (format "%s [label=\"%s\" shape=%s style=\"filled\" fillcolor=\"%s\"];\n"
(car x) (second x) (nth 2 x) (nth 3 x) ))) table)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
(princ (format "%s -- %s;\n"
(first x) (second x)))) graph)