On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Drew Adams <drew.adams@oracle.com> wrote:
> But what's the variable name for cursor color?

Use frame parameter `cursor-color' (in `default-frame-alist').

> And for font size?

That's part of the font definition - frame parameter `font' (in

If you like what you saw in your black frame, then just do `C-h v
frame-parameters' to see what the current frame parameters are, and set those
you want in `default-frame-alist'.

> I looked for these in the "Help" and some googling,
> but no help.

Look in the Emacs manual (`C-h r', or `C-h i' and choose `Emacs').  Use `i' to
look for something that is in the index.  E.g. `i font TAB', `i cursor TAB'.  Or
look in the Elisp manual: `i frame parameters'.

Or use the search field on Emacs Wiki: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SiteMap.

Thank you for the Emacs wiki link. I honestly didn't know it existed. I have a paper copy of the manual. I'm an undergraduate student and decided to use GNU Emacs. It's awesome and I expect to use it for life; although it feels odd saying that. Besides one c++ instructor, I think I'm the only person using emacs at my institute, NYU-Poly. I was glad to find the mailing list yesterday too. I've been alone for two months. Thanks for your help guys.
Xecycle mentioned I should not attach my public key or whatever I did. Sorry about that. I was in thunderbird and it seems I can't figure how to attach my signature. But why use thunderbird when I can use emacs??? Do any of you use emacs for email and mailing lists and calendars? And how has your experience been? I'll search the wiki and my manual, but I appreciate hearing from other people.
Mr. Etter