> It seems to me that the challenge is Bringing people willing to > offer support and people willing to pay together. I spy a startup/business opportunity: Start a platform that lets people subscribe and lets people who want to provide support get paid. Use Stripe for billing, etc. I would build this myself if I had more time. On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 5:49 AM Vasilij Schneidermann wrote: > > Does anyone want to offer support for Emacs? > > Plenty people offer support on community-run platforms such as Reddit > and Stackexchange. There's also the #emacs channel on Freenode to > consider. I've considered doing the jump to something more binding > before (like writing elisp at an hourly rate), but didn't find many > people actually willing to pay for that. It seems to me that the > challenge is Bringing people willing to offer support and people willing > to pay together. > > > I have a feeling that a flat rate of 5 or 15 dollars a month would > > be a difficult way to run such a business. > > There are several fund raising platforms (Patreon being the most > well-known, but not the only one) that aim to incentivize a group of > people to support creators for a small monthly fee (usually between 1 to > 20 dollar), given enough of them, it is possible for the most popular > creators to live off that. I support a few Emacs Lisp hackers that way > and I expect more of them to get into such platforms. > > Another thing to consider is funding in general. There is this > widespread misbelief that one can support the development of Emacs and > Emacs packages by donating to the FSF. Giving people an official option > to that effect might be worth looking into. >