Hello, Po-san.

I build Emacs with ImageMagick7 Only.

In this build, I made some modifications to java/INSTALL, bellow .

1. Remove unnecessary hunks 
 due to #66506.

2. Add LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES libstdc++ to make/libmagickwand-7.mk
 to avoid Emacs crash(see attachment).

3. Fix typo in original source
 change "echo." to "echo".

In report-emacs-bug(see attachment), it configured with libxml2, but in the apk's lib/ there is not libxml2.so.

(In the build log, libxml2 was build as static library).

Build script:

Build log(4MB archived log):


2024年1月11日(木) 午前10:29 Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com>:
Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com> writes:

> Po Lu, could you take a look at this one?  Thanks in advance.

If I'm not mistaken, the ImageMagick repository provides its own copy of
libxml2 with dependencies that conflict with those users are directed to
install in java/INSTALL.  Ayanokoji-san, is Emacs compatible with
ImageMagick's libxml2?  (This can be established by verifying that Emacs
continues to detect libxml2 and build after removing the standard
libxml2 from --with-ndk-path.)