Gotcha. I didn't realize the indirection. Changed my definition and it works. Thank you for looking at this. I know these kinds of reports seem like noise. Please close.


On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 6:39 AM Philip Kaludercic <> wrote:
Ship Mints <> writes:

> In progmodes/project.el, I believe the face reference, below, needs a quote.
> (defun project-mode-line-format ()
>   "Compose the project mode-line."
> ...
>        (propertize
>         (project-name project)
>         'face project-mode-line-face
> *        'face 'project-mode-line-face ; should be quoted?*

project-mode-line-face is a variable that may contain a face, but the
symbol itself doesn't designate a face.  Just check the definition a few
lines above.

> ...
>         'local-map project-mode-line-map)))))
> I hope I got that right. I've been using a custom project-mode-line-format
> and custom project-mode-line-face which is how I noticed this.

How did you define your custom `project-mode-line-face'?

> Stephane

        Philip Kaludercic on peregrine