Yes, that does seem to fail.

You're anticipating this will be fixed by the broader changes you alluded to earlier?

Gary Fredericks

On Sun, Dec 23, 2018 at 7:40 AM martin rudalics <> wrote:
 > I don't quite understand "It might have problems when you show a process
 > buffer in an existing window whose size you never change thereafter."

I've been only guessing.  'window-size-change-functions' triggers only
after a window is created or changed size.  It doesn't trigger when a
window gets another buffer.  So for example the following scenario
should fail:

(1) Show process output in a window.

(2) Display another buffer in that window.

(3) Change the width of the window.

(4) Show the process output again in that window.

I suppose (4) fails to communicate the new window width to the
process.  If you now do

(5) Change the window width again.

everything should be OK.
