I've always done it in CEDET via the semantic features (semantic-fast-jump or something... i have it binded now)....

You can also use cscopes to do this and use that via emacs.


On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 6:58 PM, Tima <tima.vaisburd@gmail.com> wrote:

On Oct 5, 2012, at 7:23 AM, Óscar Fuentes wrote:

> Emacs has partial support for some of those features, with CEDET always
> shining on the horizon, but instead of catching up with other IDEs as
> time passes, it is falling behind.

The programming feature I miss most in emacs is the code browsing: jump to the definition of a method, function, class, variable, and jump back to the original position. I tried to configure CEDET to do this, but have not succeeded so far.

Before drilling into CEDET, I would like to ask whether I'm looking at the right direction. What is the recommended tool for the code browsing in emacs? It should understand the language context, but strictly speaking I do not need any other features that CEDET provides.

Thank you,