
Sorry I made you wait. I tried the patch (see attachments) and everything worked perfectly. No flickering.

I tried to implement the second spec, but it didn't work (at least in Alacritty). But, I can try to add support for both.

BTW, tmux uses the sync update for their own TUI and they check "Sync" terminal capability. Do we need to do the same or we can just send the escapes and hope the unsupported terminal would just recover?

Side note: I still have the issue when I run emacs inside of tmux, but it is due to lack of support from tmux side. I created a bug and will try to implement the functionality in tmux sooner or later. See https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/3325 foe details. I assume, in the case of tmux, the multiplexer just consumes the escape codes and doesn't send them to the parent terminal.

On Tue, Sep 6, 2022 at 9:59 PM Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> wrote:
Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes:

> Dmitrii Kuragin <kuragin@google.com> writes:
>> Also, I tried to enable syncing and it works like a charm.
> So I take it that you fixed the problem that you originally reported
> with Alacritty.
> Could you please show a diff of what you did?
> Also, did you try both synchronized update proposols?
> https://gitlab.com/gnachman/iterm2/-/wikis/synchronized-updates-spec
> https://gist.github.com/christianparpart/d8a62cc1ab659194337d73e399004036
> If you didn't try both, could you please do and report back?
>> The next problem is I need to configure tmux to somehow respect it.
> Sorry, can't help with that, I don't know tmux.


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