Eason, Eglot is asking project.el to tell it which files belong to a project. I believe project.el uses find as a last-ditch effort, if finds no other method to answer. I'm afraid there can be no good solution to your problem, because by invoking any project-aware operation on ~/test.py (and Eglot counts as project-aware functionality) and in the absence of, say, a ~/.git you are effectively telling `project.el` that your whole home directory is a gigantic project, and there is no good way to determine the files in that project but to use find. You could: 1. configure your language server to not request project-wide file watching from the LSP client in certain directories (including the $HOME directory). See your language server's documentation for this effect 2. Tell project.el via its interfaces (project-find-functions) that the "project" you store in your $HOME is composed of a relatively small and manageable set of files. 3. A very simple means -- but not the only means -- to do the above is to type `git init` in your $HOME directory. 4. Read project.el's documentation (and ask its maintainers) for other means to use project-find-functions to declare that a project exists in $HOME but does not include the full contents of your home directory as its files. 5. Stop opening Python scripts in your $HOME *and* auto-activating Eglot in them. You may be auto-activating Eglot with eglot-ensure, but this is not recommended precisely because it carries with risks like this. 6. Request to project.el's maintainer that project.el interrupt up its very slow `find`-based search and returns only subset of results. 7. Request that Eglot honour the keyword didChangeWatchFiles when it is included in eglot-ignored-server-capabilities. If you then also change your configuration to do this _only_ in certain directories (for example by utilizing directory-local variables or writing a slightly complicated whook), this would mitigate your problem. We can probably do this in eglot.el, but I don't see this as priority because of the burden on the user and it only solves the problem for Eglot, not all other project.el-using functionality. I recommend restricting your use of eglot-ensure. It's very overrated functionality. M-x eglot will probably only need to be typed once or twice in a typical Emacs session. You can also, possibly, "unfreeze" your emacs by using C-g or a killall find issued from the console. João