On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 4:52 PM Payas Relekar <relekarpayas@gmail.com> wrote:

> The only problem is that I can't get run the full eglot2emacs.sh to run.
> The process is blocked, I think, by an Emacs commit hook that refuses to
> accept some trailing changes in some unrelated files.  Can you see
> what's up with that?  Did I mess up eglot2emacs.sh?

.py is well beyond my kindergarten python, but if I had to make a guess
its probably generating something that Emacs doesn't like.

No, that wasn't it.  It probably worked for you because your script clones a fresh
emacs.git repo without installing the pre-commit hooks.  When they are in place,
the merge is prevented.  I haven't investigated why: there is some logic in
~/.git/hooks/pre-commit that supposedly nullifies the hook for merges. 

Anyway, when the hook is laid to rest, the result is something like what I
just uploaded to the scratch/eglot2emacs branch:

This branch will probably be deleted and re-created frequently as we tweak the script.
I hope that isn't a problem.  Stefan?
