On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 14:31:58 +0100, João Távora wrote:
[ .... ]

> If [you] don't agree, find a small enough solution that fixes e-p-m,
> propose it here,  then find a consensus that overrides my opinion, it
> happens all the time, won't hold it against you or anyone else, good
> luck.

Here is the entire part of the fix needed for bug #36474, that should go
into elec-pair-mode.el:

I'll have a look, but please show the whole change, not just
the new function. A new function by itself has no effect in e-p-m or
any other part of emacs. You should show where you intend to use it
(it should, in principle, be in one of e-p-m's external-facing variables).
