On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 5:02 PM Ergus wrote: > project-multi--merge-plist is just a hack function to merge the > eglot-workspace-configuration value without overriding the existing > sub-values if already set (in case the user sets some sub-values in the > dir locals then those takes precedence) > > Then this restarts eglot > > IIUC this is equivalent to call `--compile-commands-dir=build` and at > the moment is working for me. This seems extremely complicated, but happy it works for you. If during an eglot session something happens that leads to want to update the "workspace configuration" for a given session, you can set it and then call `eglot-signal-didChangeConfiguration` which is part of Eglot's API. No need to restart. Also note that eglot-workspace-configuration can be a function, maybe that's useful to you somehow. > At the moment I assume the outer most only; which is the simpler one to > setup and implement woth the current project.el support. The main goal I > have is OOSC, not nested projects. OK. I don't know what OOSC is but if it's somehow related to "out of tree builds" I think these are fine, but builds aren't normally not part of a project: my .gitignore files ignores them. João