I like the idea of using g/G and intelligently interpreting the user's response -- it's good UI / UX design. (Imagine asking a friend when they "got back" -- both "20 minutes ago" and "8:35" are unambiguous answers to the question.)

Now we need to decide how to distinguish the two. Would it work to just examine the user input for a colon and branch based on that? I'll see if I can get this working.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 1:16 AM Bastien <bzg@gnu.org> wrote:
Hi Kyle and Dan,

Kyle Meyer <kyle@kyleam.com> writes:

> Thanks, though sadly Dan had already taken the time to follow up with a
> patch:
>   https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2020-01/msg00175.html

Err, my bad, sorry Dan -- and thanks Kyle for the warning.

(I too hastily assume 1 thread = 1 topic, I should have checked.)

I reverted my changes and pushed Dan's commit to master.

I took the liberty of inlining the function and making the message a
bit more explicit.  Dan, let me know if that's okay.

Interestingly, our (different and complementary) implementations may
lead to a new idea: your implementation is like the `k' option while
mine is like the `g' option (when you "got back").  I guess both can
make sense, and what the user expect is to be able to enter a number
of minutes *or* a HH:MM time spec in both `t' and `g'.

That would also have the advantage of having less options while still
having the possibility to use HH:MM.  (Also, using org-read-date here
seems a bit too much here, but maybe that's okay.)

Dan, what do you think?  Would you like to try implementing this or
can I give it a try?



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