Darcs now shows the internal hash for each patch in a format like: patch f4128969c4700a0b34414390d04159cb6b11b4e5 Author: bob Date: Sun May 21 22:44:55 NZST 2017 * patch name - further details Adding the regex "\\|^patch \\(?1:[.0-9a-f]+\\)" to log-view-message-re seems to be sufficient to use the hash. cheers Rohan -- | Rohan Hart | Consultant | Fronde Systems Group Ltd | 3 Queens Wharf | PO Box 11545 | Wellington 6142, New Zealand | p. +64 4 499 3000 | ddi. +64 4 439 4080 | m. +64 21 937 533 | e. rohan.hart@fronde.com | w. www.fronde.com -- The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please respect that confidentiality and do not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error, please destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Thank you.