Hi, Eli

1: first step
my .emacs only one line
cat ~/.emacs
(warn  "my frame-parameters ----: %s"  (frame-parameters (selected-frame)))

it ouput:
Warning (emacs): my frame-parameters ----: ((parent-id . 23169188) (explicit-name) (display . :0.0) (visibility . t) (icon-name) (outer-window-id . 67109031) (window-id . 67109060) (top . 0) (left . 50) (buried-buffer-list) (buffer-list *scratch*) (unsplittable) (minibuffer . #<window 4 on  *Minibuf-0*>) (modeline . t) (width . 80) (height . 35) (name . emacs@host) (environment) (sticky) (cursor-color . black) (background-mode . light) (display-type . color) (horizontal-scroll-bars . t) (window-system . x) (alpha) (scroll-bar-width . 16) (cursor-type . box) (auto-lower) (auto-raise) (icon-type . t) (tool-bar-position . top) (fullscreen) (wait-for-wm . t) (title) (buffer-predicate) (tool-bar-lines . 1) (menu-bar-lines . 1) (scroll-bar-background . grey75) (scroll-bar-foreground) (right-fringe . 9) (left-fringe . 9) (line-spacing) (screen-gamma) (border-color . black) (mouse-color . black) (background-color . white) (foreground-color . black) (vertical-scroll-bars . right) (internal-border-width . 0) (border-width . 0) (font-parameter . Monospace 11) (font . -unknown-DejaVu Sans Mono-normal-normal-normal-*-15-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1) (font-backend xft x))

there were: (explicit-name)  (name . emacs@host)

2: then i comment the line in .emacs of first step.
now it has 2 line
cat ~/.emacs
(setq frame-title-format '("%m @ "("%f" ("%b"))))
(warn (warn))  <-  this will output: Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading /home/sand/.emacs  , but in this instance
i can get the right result on title like : C/l @ /home/sand/test.c,   if i comment this line, no warning message , but  its result will be like:  test.c - emacs@host

3: other
I want to change explicit-name use modify-frame-parameter
(modify-frame-parameter nil '((explicit-name . nil)))
but it doesn't work.

Thank you all the same

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 2:19 AM, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 26 May 2012 22:05:39 +0800
> From: ëÀñ½Ü <maolijie@gmail.com>
> It may be a bug ?

I don't think so.

> cat ~/.emacs
> (setq frame-title-format '("%m @ "(buffer-file-name "%f" (dired-directory
> dired-directory "%b"))))
> I just want to set the frame-title-format to %f for my emacs24.0.95
> But it don't work,  i can't see the %f format on the title
> After emacs start, i use C-h v frame-title-format
> it shows:
> frame-title-format is a variable defined in `C source code'.
> Its value is "%b - emacs@host"

You omitted the important part:

 It is used only on frames for which no explicit name has been set
 (see `modify-frame-parameters').

And if I evaluate

  (frame-parameters (selected-frame))

I see there (explicit-name).  So I think your customization is ignored
by design.  I think you should set the `title' frame parameter instead.

ëÀñ½Ü <Mao Lijie>