Hi, all
It may be a bug ?

I comment all configures line execept one line

cat ~/.emacs
(setq frame-title-format '("%m @ "(buffer-file-name "%f" (dired-directory dired-directory "%b"))))

I just want to set the frame-title-format to %f for my emacs24.0.95

But it don't work,  i can't see the %f format on the title

After emacs start, i use C-h v frame-title-format
it shows:
frame-title-format is a variable defined in `C source code'.
Its value is "%b - emacs@host"

every time only after M-x eval-buffer , it could show right result:

C-h v frame-title-format
it shows:
frame-title-format is a variable defined in `C source code'.
Its value is ("%m @ "
 (buffer-file-name "%f"
           (dired-directory dired-directory "%b")))

This issue may be OS related, i use the same .emacs file
i get right result on Emacs23.4 with CentOS5.8 from my work office PC workstation
this issue is from my laptop with Fedora17, Emacs23.3 on Fedora16 with the same problem

THX all

毛礼杰 <Mao Lijie>