No need for any mode, just

- M-S-:  (setq display-buffer-overriding-action (cons #'ignore nil)) RET      ;; Eval
- C-x 4 4   ;;  (other-window-prefix)
- C-x C-f  ;; (find-file)

and you should already see the error.

After that, you probably will end up with an unusable emacs, so just eval (setq display-buffer-overriding-action (cons nil nil)) and you'll be good to go.

Em qua., 19 de jun. de 2024 às 18:17, Jeremy Bryant <> escreveu:
"" <> writes:

> When display-buffer-overriding-action's car is set to a function
> instead of a list, display-buffer-override-next-command must ensure
> that the car is a list before pushing a new element to it, otherwise
> the car will become a itself a cons-cell and the clear-fun will
> trigger a wrong-type-argumen error when trying to delq the action.
> The error can be triggered by using some minor mode that
> updates display-buffer-override-next-command (such as purpose-mode)
> and then calling other-window-prefix.

To reproduce the bug, what other built-in modes (instead of
purpose-mode) can be used?

Rodrigo Virote Kassick